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So before we get started I just wanna clarify this is my first time writing on wattpad and i dont have great grammar or great spelling (english is my 3rd language)
And the 2 charachters are mine yes i made them up and this story just came to me after reading a lot of bl lol.
So anyways the 2 main charachters are Carson and Liam
Carson- 5'7 graduated not too smart but smart enough, kinda self absorbed and has a bit of anger issues and gets annoyed easily (can control it but it shows on his face)
Liam- 6'2 graduated smart and cautious not too talkative, but will talk when necessary, nothing really wrong with him except he doesn't like attention too much (especially about his looks)
Youll find out more about their looks and personalitys and such later on !
There will be side couple (some straight and some others you'll find out later)

Waiters (Yaoi Bl)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя