
69 1 1

B-b-b back from the dead b-b-b-b-b back from the dead than the beat drops and red lights turn on and fogs starts going
light it up light it up light it up than Pyro hits and I walk out with a cocky smirk on my face now burn it down the fog slowly fades away and you can finally see me the crowd is half cheers half boos I roll my neck than walk down to the ring still with a cocky grin on  feel the rush of adrenaline
I walk over to the right side of the ring and get up on the apron than climb to the top rope near the pole and point my signature one up to the sky I jump off the apron and turn around to face charlotte I wave at her than go to be corner of the ring

Ding ding

The ref rings the bell and i feel the adrenaline take over I taunt her to come forward and she comes after me to lock up and i dodge her than laugh she turns around looking pissed off she charges towards me and shoves me into the turn buckles my back arch's at the sudden shock  I didn't prepare my body for that

she slaps me across the face oh she fucked up I grab her and head butt her she stubbles back and I am able to back away from the corner I than kick her in the stomach she doubles over in the pain so I grab her arms and go for a dirty deeds tribute to my best friend Dean god I miss him
both our body's collide with the mat taking a second for breathing time we start getting back up at the same time me a little bit faster

I run to the ropes and run back to clothesline her but Charoltte is ready and she runs at me spearing me I turn to my side groaning in pain fuck I forgot how much that hurt she grabs my hair and starts taunting me

"That's the best you can do please"
she drags me fully up than I elbow her in the stomach so the hold will break I stumble back a bit than run at her clotheslining her over the top rope right near the announcer table I idea pops into my head has i get out of the ring

"Execution time bitch" I grab her body and throw it up above my head I go to Samoan drop her and I feel my body fold and see her body land in front of me
I go turn around and see aj holding a chair in her hand

Ding ding ding ladies and gentleman by disqualification the winner of this match is Lottie

Even thought I won the match I don't even bother to celebrate I yank the chair out of ajs hand which was surprisingly easy I don't think she was expecting it

I slam the chair in her gut and she doubles over I pick her up and put her over my shoulders getting ready to put her through the table but I feel my body being flung but this time into the announce table my whole body hits the ground with the table clasping around me I look up to see Charlotte and aj smirking

Before I even get a second to get up I feel them stomping on me all toghther I am not sure what happened but I start tasting blood in my mouth and than red lights pop up across the arena and than I hear somthing that gives me hope "usos"

I finally feel the girls stop hitting me and jey finally gets to me but so does all the medic
"Lottie are you okay"
"just get me to the back I will be fine"
jey helps me up and helps me walk to the back a loud applause as we walk back

me and jey are walking to the medic area but than i feel another hit to the back I turn around and punch the attacker in the face already knowing it is aj we start going at it and i tackle her to the floor slamming her head into the floor a few times Before i am ripped of her

I finally start seeing clearly and i see her lip busted open and blood staining her hair I haven't got a look at me yet but I assume we are matching now the next thing I do is check who is holding me I look down at the arms and realize it's Roman
"Jesus Christ Lottie you fucked her up"
"And I would still be fucking her up if you didn't ruin it" Joe laughs and start walking to medic with me still in his arms
"Sorry I didn't want my fiancée to end up in jail for murder" I try to wiggle out of his grip "Roman you can let me go"
"I don't think so I don't trust you not to run back there" I roll my eyes it's so annoying how well he knows me

We finally get to the trainers room and I sit on the medic table "Lottie I knew it wouldn't be long before you came and saw me" I gesture to my face "you know how I am" the doctor grabs his stitches and bandages "Indeed I do" the doctor takes a look at my face than notices Roman waiting
At the door way like he his guarding it
"Hello Roman" Roman just waves keeping his eye on the door "okay well I am just going to concussion check you real quick than bandage you up" "alright fine with me"

The doctor shine a flash light in my eye than puts the bandages on my cut along my cheek and stitches the one on my collarbone
" looks like you are all clear from concussion so The black eye should go away in a few days and the rest just put ointment on so it doesn't get infected"

I grab The ointment and thank him we chat for a little until I hear Roman getting upset
"No that crazy bitch can wait it's her fault anyways" I walk up behind Roman and see Seth there trying to get aj into the training room "Seth man listen get the fuck out of here you know damn well if Lottie saw you here she wou-" I push past Roman's arm and stand there with my arms crossed
"to late Seth you have 5 seconds to get your midget dick self and that actual midget out of my sight before I fuck you both up"

Seth chuckles "what you upset you chose the wrong shield member or maybe your upset because you want punk back"

" you know I heard Becky Been sleeping around you must not be satisfying her or maybe she sleeps around to get to the top just like you" I motion a blow Job with my hands

"oh whatever Lottie we all know you still want a piece of the best in the world"
Aj finally speaks up running her hands down her body
"well hey come Saturday you and punk will have somthing in common"
Aj looks at my confused "what the hell are you on about now"
I smirk she just played the trap
"well you both will know what it's like to be bottomed by me" I smirk and her eyes go wide I look over at Seth and he is holding back a laugh "yea punk loved being bottomed or maybe he just loved starting at these" I look down at my boobs and look her up and down "but you probably don't know anything about that considering you lack is those compartments"

aj just walks away frustrated and I hear Seth break out in laughter "shut the fuck up seth Before I shove my foot up your ass"
he raises his hands and walks away still laughing

I turn around and wrap my hands around Roman's neck and he wraps his around my waist "that was so hot but I don't recall ever getting bottomed like that" I laugh and roll
My eyes "it's because you know how to get the job done let's just say punk was lazy"

I give Roman a peck on the lips than pull away holding hands with him we go back to our locker and grab our bags "I was suppose to have a jey segment tonight but I missed it because of the medics room" Roman looks at me disappointed "don't skip out on your work again" I roll my eyes "okay chief"
I mock back but he grabs my wrist and turns me around "I am serious Lottie we are going to be huge and I need you to not be so Irresponsible" my eyebrows crease in confusion "what the hell is that on about I was hurt" he rubs his face clearly annoyed
"Yea but if you didn't attack aj than you would have made it to the medic and still your promo"

I take a step back "well where the fuck we're you the first Time she was attacking me out in the ring"
"I sent jey out there" I raise my eyebrow "when does jey take orders from you" Roman just rolls his eyes "he said he would join the bloodline remember that promo that happened on smackdown I was just showing him what it will be like I will be the head of the table I can't be out there all the time" oh shit that was the one I lied about watching maybe I should have watched it "yea yea I remember But why the hell couldn't you save your own family it's just doesn't make sense"
Roman wraps a arm around me
"and it doesn't have to make sense to you it's the role I play and I am gonna play it"
I just nod to tired to argue with him

Me and Roman get back to the hotel the car ride was mostly silent and that's seems that is how the energy is going to remain for the night I wish I could just go to Naomis room for a night but she is back home with Jimmy and liv is staying somewhere else because she had actor stuff and if I stayed with jey Roman would whoop his ass so I just decided to sleep it off

"I am gonna go to bed night" I walk over to the bed and try to fall asleep but my head keeps me awake all night I don't feel roman come to bed until at least 2:00 am I feel his arm wrap around me waist and I suddenly relax

"I am sorry my love I just love wrestling and I don't wanna lose my job and there is a high chance I will if I fuck up this character
Just know I love you" I think Roman was just talking to himself thinking I was asleep but I heard every word of it and from that moment on I made the decision the stick by him.

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