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I switch to messages and look for a number I have not seen in ages a number I try to forget but can't cm punk I click on it and start typing yes I am aware this is not the best idea but hey I am a drunken pissed off
wrestler what else can I do

Fuck you phil for everything and you tell your little midget bitch to lay off before I rip those pigtails right outta her head
Listen Phil I know your jealous because you peaked with me but baby when you dumped me I was just getting started look at me now Phil coming back still more popular than you would have ever been if not quitting like a fucking baby but what I am trying to say is I am coming for your wife so tell her to watch her back

I hit send suddenly I feel tears streaming down my face I fucking hate that man for what he did to me he ruined my life

Flashback Lottie's pov
"Please ms take your meds" I am tearing at the walls throwing chairs and tables having another episode "No fuck that and fuck you I am not doing shit" next thing I know I am knocked out and strapped to a table when I wake up memory clouded the only thing I hear is "your not leaching off me" repeating over and over in my head from Phil I swear to god if I ever get outta here I am gonna become the biggest star ever
Present time
I am shaking a sobbing uncontrollably those memories always haunt me Phil was my everything I was so naïve back then but now nobody not even Roman will hurt me I feel hands wrap around me
"shit Lottie you alright"
I snap my head up and see jey staring at me concerned I just point towards our car through the window
jey nods helping me up and guiding me through the crowd into the car.
We get in the car and I lean my head back on the window closing my eyes
"Lottie are you okay what just happened in there"
I look up at blurry version of him from my tears
"I texted him"
he looks confused for a second until it clicks "Phil"
I just nod as he grabs my phone
"you got triggered tonight that's why you were so mad right"
he ask while unlocking my phone going to my texts slowly putting all the pieces together
"Yea I never want him to see me even a little bit weak and I know he was definitely watching"
jey is the only one to know about my life after Phil and before joining the shield so he knows what I went through
"Whew Jesus if that didn't scare him or at least shake him than I don't know what will Lottie that shit was just harsh"
I chuckle a little wiping my tears away but still breathing heavy
"well I think I should go home Roman's probably really pissed"
jey looks at the time
"shit it's almost 1am we're so fucked"
I take sips of water and rest my head back on the window before I know it I fall asleep than when I open my eyes we are at my house
"alright Lottie I would carry you inside but I don't think Joe would like that"
his family calls him Joe because that's what they always knew him by but I call him Roman because that's the name he introduced his self as
"yea he probably won't appreciate that just walk me to the door to make sure I don't bust my ass please"
he nods and walks me to the door than hugs be goodnight with a kiss on my cheek
"Night girl see you for raw"
I just put a thumbs up and walk inside our house I am greeted with our dog jet
"hey baby shh daddy's trying to sleep"
I try to get him to quite down but Roman already woke up rushing down stairs worried
"oh shit there you  are Lottie I was so nervous"
I drop my heels on the floor
"sorry Roman me and jimmy got a little carried away"
he look at me and raised a eyebrow
"mm sure"
I go up to him and hug him just inhaling his sent as he brushes through my hair "everything okay baby"
"it is now just had a rough day"
he pulls away than cups my cheek
"okay well let's go to bed baby"
I nod as we walk up stairs and I get outta my outfit and just into my bra and underwear than pass out
The next morning Lottie's pov
I wake and feel the other side of the bed empty Roman must be out doing something i grab my phone and start scrolling on instagram till this pops up

We get in the car and I lean my head back on the window closing my eyes "Lottie are you okay what just happened in there" I look up at blurry version of him from my tears "I texted him" he looks confused for a second until it clicks "Phil" I just ...

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