Pen to paper

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"So get the fuck out here" AJ screams
I was waiting for my cue in the gorillia with heyman he kept saying how this is like old times and I would just side eye him
I really don't need to be reminded of punk as I am walking out to his girlfriend right now

my music hits b-b-b back from the dead
b-b-b-b back from the dead
than the light all go out and
a fog hits me and heyman step out onto the ramp but you cant really see me than
light it up light it up light it up
red lights turn on and everybody can see me I smirk and do a little wave than sturt out into the center of the ramp heyman following behind like a good little doggy
now burn it down burn it down burn it down

I raise my hands up and make a one to the sky than point down while moving my arms down than finish my strut to the ramp I get on the apron and I step into the ring everybody starts cheering

I step up to AJ and we face each other
Than triple h breaks us up and I get handed a mic "so I am out here what did you want"

"I want you to sign this contract so I can prove to you and everybody I am the best there was the best there is and the best there ever will be" I laugh and sit down in my chair kicked my feet up on the table

"Oh please we all know your little scrawny ass is not even making it to the hall of fame" I poke fun at AJ

"you always talk about my size and my style it's almost like your jealous of me or somthing" AJ says while motioning to her body I burst out laughing

"Mabye in 1st grade I wanted to look like you but honey I grew up your turn"
I gesture to her seat she finally sits down and we both grab a pen

"I noticed that you are out here with Paul heyman I mean after everything he has done to you would you really trust him"
my face falls for a second but than I put it right back up because no I don't know if I can trust him but I trust Roman that is enough "me and heymans realtionship is strictly professional me and Roman happen to want management and he happens to want to mange us you see sweetheart that's what happens when you are talented"

i glance at Paul and he gives me a smile a little light in my stomach happens I know we still haven't talked but he always seems to have a place in my heart

"What ever and just sign the contract"
I raise a eyebrow "somebody getting nervous" I look over the contract one last time than sign it

"so it's official at payback Lottie with be going against AJ Lee in a no dq match"
I look over at AJ she look suprised i smirk "what did you not have your management look over it
oh that's right you don't got one see you at pay back bitch"

I slam the mic on the table and walk out of the ring and up the ramp with Paul following "Lottie look I know we are not on the best of terms but I just want to say I am so proud of you you have grown so much since I last saw you your future is bright"
I smile up at him "thanks Paul" I walk away back to liv locker room going to pack up feeling better about seeing Roman now

At livs locker room
"Girl you killed it out there" liv praises as I turn and see her laying on her couch she doesn't know much people she just moved up from NXT

"thanks and thank you for letting me use your room but I am gonna go home now I am really tired" we hug and I leave the room walking back to Roman's

"Hey babe you ready to go" he looks over at me "hey uh do you mind getting a ride from somebody else I gotta go somewhere sorry"
He rushes right out the room with out another word okay what the fuck

I rush after him but he is already pulling out of the parking lot that dick I walk back inside and see jey and jimmy and Naomi talking

"Hey guys how was your night" I walk up to them and they all look around me I wonder what there looking for "where did you capture go" they joke but in a serious tone

"Oh guys come on he just was under some stress don't get mad at him please I was really my fault I over reacted which ended up into a fight before raw started" they all frown but let it go "it's alright babes we was just joking just know we are here for you nothing is perment yet"

I nod but fuck I wish people would just trust me I am marrying Roman for Christ sake I of course side with him "well I need a ride home Roman left me here" jey and jimmy stand up pissed "oh hell no uce we're the fuck did he go" I shrug my shoulders "who the fuck knows just said he had somthing to do at the hotel"
jey and jimmy grab there stuff and Naomi's than we walk to there car

"Thanks for giving me a ride" i speak up once we get to the hotel "it's the most I can do for picking me up the other night"
I giggle a little remembering the moment
"Uce what happened the other night" Jimmy asks I grab my bag "good luck with that one jey see you guys Monday"
I close the door and walk into the hotel than
in the elevator to our room

I open the door already know we will have a argument with roman  for leaving liked he did but I see candles light and roses on the table

I open the door already know we will  have a argument with roman  for leaving liked he did but I see candles light and roses on the table

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Than Roman comes out and smiles
"I am sorry I left you but you didn't give me no time to set this up" all my anger disappeared

"oh Roman this is wonderful thank you" I run and hug him "I am so sorry for earlier with AJ" I wipe my eyes away because they started tearing up

"No it was my fault I was just upset and didn't wanna take it out on you" he grabs my chin kissing me "I love you" we pull away and take a seat

I look down at my plate and see a steak "thank you so much babe I don't think you understand how hungry I am" he laughs than cuts into his steak "dig in" I put the steak in my mouth and it taste so good "fuck Roman this taste amazing" he smirks and looks at me dirty

"Love don't make those noises or else this dinner is about to end real quick" I hid my face in my hands feeling my face heat up
"Omg Roman" he chuckles than shrugs
"I was so mad when you left me at the arena
So you lucky that you did this other wise you were gonna get your ass beat"
I joke and Roman raises his hands in defense

We just finished dinner and I am washing the dishes when I feel Roman's hands grab my ass "can I help you sir" he comes up to my neck kissing it

I turn around and put my hand on his chest pushing him away  "Not in the kitchen baby we just bought new plates"
I grab his hand and guide him to the bedroom
the second we step into the bedroom he pins me against the wall and starts kissing my neck again he starts getting closer to my breast in response I arch my back
He chuckles and grabs me throwing me on the bed than crawling back on top of me

"mm I know we just had that steak but I am still hungry" he starts going lower down my body till he makes it down to my pussy I feel him take my pants and underwear "look at you do I only make you this wet"  I just nod my head but than eh grabs my thoart "words love" I choke out "Y~yes" 
he smirks and go back down to my pussy he positions his head in between my legs and starts licking me out "oh fuck"

I arch my back and Roman pushes it back down "don't move love" he flicks his tounge on my clit at this point I am like a moaning mess "mm fuck Roman I am gonna cum"
"Go ahead pretty girl let me taste you"
I release it and than relax into the bed
Roman stands up "I am gonna go take a shower" I nod and girl up into the bed failing asleep before Roman comes back
Aouthers note

Girl I know this is a short chapter and I am sorry I am not the best at writing smut but yea see you Monday-t

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