Chapter 34 - (S3) - License Exam

Start from the beginning

As Inasa was yelling, some blood started to leak out from his head.

Blonde: "Oh, blood." She says looking at the blood on his head.
Purple: "Let's go."

Aizawa: "Inasa Yoarashi..."
Hagakure: "Mr.Aizawa, you know him?"
Aizawa: "He's... strong." He said surprising some of us. "Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance."

Y/n: "He said he loves U.A and yet turned down his opportunity to go? I-I don't understand it."
Mina: "Right? What a weirdo."
Y/n: "Wouldn't call him a weirdo, though. He's more like... weird."

Aizawa: "He's weird, but he's the real thing. Keep an eye out for him."
???: "Eraser? It's you, isn't it, Eraser?!"

As the voice was heard, Aizawa's eyes winded as his body flinched as he had an annoyed look as the Pro Hero Ms.Joke was approaching.

Joke was approaching

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Ms. Joke: "I've seen you on T.V and the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!"

Aizawa's eyes twitched as his face demonstrated annoyance and anger at the same time.
She now was face-to-face with him.

She now was face-to-face with him

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Ms.Joke: "Let's get married."
Aizawa: "No."

She let's out a laugh as she breaths out some air.

Ms. Joke: "No? Good one!" She continued to laugh.
Aizawa: "You're hard to talk, to as usual, Joke."

It was then where Izuku fanboy mode kicked in.

Izuku: "Smile Hero: Ms. Joke! Her quirk's Outburst! She forces those near her to laugh, dulling their thinking and their movements! Her fighting against villans are full of craziness!"

Ms. Joke: "If you marry me, then we can make a happy family with never ending laughter!" She thumbed up.
Aizawa: "That sounds like an actual nightmare."

Shark Turmoil (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now