"Right, well, it is a pleasure to meet you Scarlett. May I call you Scarlett?" His voice sounded so much like Tom Hanks I swear they could have been related.

He pursed his lips, deflating a bit when I still didn't respond.

"My name is David Adelman and I am the attorney who has been assigned to your case. I read over everything and you have a solid plea for temporary insanity. With that, you'll spend a few more months in here after the trial. From there it'll be house arrest, meetings with a probation officer, sprinkle a couple of therapy sessions here and there and you'll be off scot free." He clapped his hands together at the end of his explanation, his beaming smile was overbearing.

David and Richard stared at me, waiting for my response which didn't come. What was I supposed to say to all of this? A plea of temporary insanity, house arrest, parole? A few months ago I was a normal human being and now I'm going to be on trial for murder.

"But, there is something we would need from you..." Richard spoke, breaking the silence.

"Ah yes, the famous ultimatum." I mumbled.

David looked up to Richard, a sly look spreading across his face. What was he so happy about?

"You see, the people we work for are very interested in the information you have regarding Mr. Byrne and Mr. Kelly." Richard said, moving around his desk so that he was half sitting on the edge, his crotch angled right at my face. Pig.

"We want you to tell us everything. Where Declan lives, where Desmonds' little hide out is, names of businesses, banks, anything and everything about the Micks, I mean the Malone crime family." David scooted closer so that he was sitting at the edge of his chair, leaning over so that he was almost invading my personal space.

"I.. I don't remember..."

Richard snorted. He leaned over, putting his hand on the armrest of my chair to hold himself above me. I sunk back further into the chair in hopes of putting some space between us but he took that as an invitation to come closer still. "We thought you would say that."

"I am a very powerful attorney, Scarlett. On top of the fact that the Russians own the judge, the DA and most city officials, we can make it so you never leave this place. We could make it so you don't even exist anymore."

"But I'm telling the t-truth. I don't remember." But I do remember everything leading up to that night. I could give them all of the information to go against Desmond and bring all of them down. I could also give the judge all of the information I've gathered to go against their bosses, bringing down the Russian crime empire. Not that it would help though if the Judge is owned by the same people they are.

"Well then, I guess you're just going to have to try and remember." Richard sneered, sliding off of his desk and going back around to his chair.

"Sam!" He called out to the orderly who was waiting just outside the closed door. Sam came in and with a nod that he understood, came over to me and lifted me up from my chair.

"Take Miss Murphy back to her room, please."

Sam pushed me towards the door making me stumble. Before we got to the door, I dug my heels into the floor and turned, poking my head around Sam.

"Wait!" I yelled.

David and Richard both turned back to look at me. A hopeful look in their eyes thinking I would be willing to see the errors of my ways and spill everything to them so they could present it on a silver platter to their masters.

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