chapter 36 - park

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Hollie woke up in undescribable pain. A period cramp. her first day cramps were always the worst. she groaned and got up to put on a pad and check for any mess before going to the bathroom and eventually going downstairs to eat breakfast with her aunt.

“need more pads,” hollie mumbled as she served herself a plate of food.

“that time of the month?” she asked, one of her ears sticking up slightly.

“yeeeeaaa,” Hollie dragged out, annoyed at the monthly pain.

“Kay, I'll pick you up some after work today. If you need some that badly you’ll have to put up with tampons until I can get you more pads.”

“no, I have a few, but not enough to last me until tomorrow.”
her aunt nodded and they continued to eat breakfast in silence until she finished and went upstairs to get dressed and go to the park. she almost wanted to cancel because she was in so much pain, but maybe moving around and getting some exercise would help her. after a fifteen minute walk that didn't help, she just wanted to turn around and go home, but she also wanted to spend the day with her friends, so she'd at least try to put up with the pain. she eventually reached the park and saw everyone and knew they'd see her in just a second, so she was gonna have to suffer through the pain for a few hours, it’d be a challenge without painkillers.

“hi holls!” Bobby chirped as she ran up to hug her. she tried to focus on the warmth of Bobby's embrace instead of her cramp, but that proved difficult since it was so intense. eventually, they separated and went over to the others as Hollie plopped down on a bench beside andy, who was crocheting. Neil had mentioned that he was staying for two weeks and that he wanted to spend as much time as he could with him and the others were cool with him joining them from time to time. almost immediately after she got as comfortable as she could, Kai ran up to her.

“I challenge you to a rematch you-” he was about to call her a slut before he noticed that Andy was focused on him instead of his crocheting.

“very lovely lady that I cherish and respect as a friend,” he smiled after a few seconds of hesitating. Andy looked back down at whatever he was crocheting.

“Not today, go suck off the ball whore,” she sighed as she tossed a dog toy at him.

“Aw fuck yea!” dylan shouted as he jumped on kai’s back and chanting ‘ball.’

“Holy shit! Nini, how do you deal with this on a daily basis?” he exclaimed, looking at the american shorthair, who was perched in a tree directly above the bench hollie and andy her sitting on. Neil shrugged and signed ‘i guess i’m just used to his energy. That or i stopped giving a fuck.’

“Hmm, y’know that actually checks.”

“Are you hearing what i’m saying?! Get into that field and throw the ball, fucker!” dylan yelled as he got off kai and dragged him to the field where kids could run around and let all their excess energy. Hollie just watched them dick around, wanting to join in, but being in too much pain to.

“Are you alright? You look troubled,” andy asked, staring at her in genuine concern. It amazed hollie how much he seemed to care despite knowing her for a day.

“Do you promise not to be a prude about it?”

“I’m 54, love, dere isn’t anyding dat i can be a prude about.”

“Ok, so like i’m on my period and it’s the first day and always gat a super bad cramp the first day that lasts like 2 hours and i forgot to take an ibuprofen before heading over here and i don’t wanna walk all the way back to my house ‘cause it’s 30 minutes both ways!” she whined.

smiling crittersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora