
39 10 87

11:34 AM | Same day
(Senior wing: Hallway)

"Choi fcking Beomgyu!"

Ryujin's voice echoed down the hallway as she stood amidst the bustling students, her gaze fixed on her boyfriend, who was engrossed in a conversation with his friends.

Beomgyu's eyes flicked to her and he rolled his eyes, "Not again," he murmured as he walked up to her, "What do you want, Ryujin? Can't you see everyone is staring at you?" He judged her from top to bottom with a grimace, "What the fck happened to you? You look like a mess!" Beomgyu referred to her messed up hair and unwashed face.

Ryujin shot him a glare. She grabbed him by the arm harshly, dragged him to an empty hallway, and let him go abruptly.

Ryujin got her phone out and showed him the Instagram post, "Explain this!" She demanded, her eyes fixed on his face, observing his facial expressions, with a glare.

The post had a picture of Winter and Beomgyu standing next to one another in a family gathering. Winter's hands around Beomgyu's arms, as if they were a couple.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes out of frustration and said, "What the actual fck? Ryujin?! For this sht you dragged me?" He said it in anger.

"Answer my fcking question!" Ryujin demanded.

Beomgyu hesitated for a moment but maintained his posture, "The photographer told us to pose like that," he replied.

"Oh?" Ryujin looked at him with raised brows, clearly knowing he was lying. She scrutinized the picture with a sarcastic look and said, "The quality of the picture doesn't look like that of a photographer's camera. It looks like the picture was taken by a phone," she remarked as she looked at him again.

Beomgyu scoffed, "For your kind information, a photographer is a person who takes pictures. You don't need fancy cameras for it," he replied, "Also, why the fck do you even care? I was forced anyway," he lied, crossing arms and looking in the other direction.

"Fine," Ryujin kept the phone back in her pocket and crossed her arms, "But why the fck do you look so happy in the picture? You look comfortable as well," she said.

Beomgyu bit his lower lip, it was obvious his lies weren't working, "God! Ryujin, can you stop suspecting me all the time?! It's just a fcking picture! Why does it even matter so much?!" he tried to put the blame on her.

Ryujin's expression slightly twisted out of frustration, he wasn't getting her point at all, "Just a picture?! Beomgyu, you have been ignoring me for the past few months! What the fck do you mean?! All of your time you give to your stupid friends and especially that idiotic Winter!"

"Yeah? So? Am I not allowed to socialize? Tsk, Ryujin studies are getting harder, and my father will be giving me the company soon. I need to learn his tricks so that I can handle it professionally! Why can't you understand?!" He sighed, his expression reflecting his weariness of having to explain himself repeatedly.

Ryujin's hand formed into a fist in the air, her eyes closed as she tried to control her anger but she snapped, "Always, 'RYUJIN THIS!' 'RYUJIN THAT!'. Beomgyu, I have been hearing the same old excuses from the past few months! You gave all of your time to your friends and company. When will you give me time?!" Ryujin complained to him, her torso leaning towards him. Her eyes bore into his, silently begging for him to understand her perspective.

Beomgyu started becoming impatient, "Can you stop complaining all the time?! Seriously, if you won't be such a cry baby, maybe then I'll give you some time!"

Ryujin's teeth clenched. That's it for her, "Maybe if you would stop spending time with THAT SL*T! Then maybe we could spend more time with each other!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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