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➸ november third, two-thousand sixteen ➸

"hey, its danny again. i have another question."

"wow, you went a whole day without needing help! thats more than i expected, dan-o!"

"you know, you are pretty rude for someone that talks about cats to make a living! what are you, fifty?"

"actually, im sixteen. and i dont profit off of this website."

"weird, we're the same age."

"whatever, what's your question?"

"ok, so i have seen a lot of mixed comments on this. can cats drink milk, or not?"

"well, contrary to popular belief, milk is actually very bad for cats. tuna, on the other hand, is fine, although there are so many great cat food choices to choose from, which, in my opinion, smell much better- or at least, much less. if you want, i could refer some to you!"

"woah, kitten, cool it with the extensive cat facts!"

"this entire website is MADE of extensive cat facts, idiot! and dont call me kitten."

"you are so DIFFICULT!"

"fine. you asked your question, do you have any others? I just got another message."

"nope, im all good, kitten."

"you are infuriating!"

a/n // ok so i really like this idea?? and mari and danny and stuff wow i love it ok im gonna write a lot more probably

mari sykes, cat enthusiastWhere stories live. Discover now