Oh goodness. It was prom all over again, but this time I was doing it right. 

The thought relaxed me for a moment, but I quickly tensed up again. How was she going to react to me? She wasn't very fond of me after what happened at the bus stop. Not that I could blame her. I didn't like me very much either.

Before I could hesitate more, I made myself go ahead and walk out of the office. It looked like Mom was finishing up with the pictures. I took in the scene, and that was when I saw her. 

Jenny had her makeup and hair done, looking like someone out of my league. She looked like royalty in that dress. It took a moment before I could fix my expression so I didn't look like a weirdo. I held out my arm as she drew closer. "Ready to go, milady?" I asked, my voice coming out deeper than I intended it to. I couldn't help it, though. I was going crazy for her. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, but then she looped her arm through the one I was holding out for her. 

My heart sped up. It was the first time she was touching me. Granted, it was through many layers of fabric, but my breath still hitched as her hand slid over my arm. 

Mom broke the magic of the moment by telling us to stand closer. She began snapping pictures. I could tell by the look on Jenny's face that she was loving it, so I didn't fight it like I normally did. I wanted her to only have good memories of tonight. This was a special day for her, after all. It was her senior prom. 

Several minutes passed before I could lead her out to my car. I opened her door for her and she slid inside. As I walked around the back of the car, I couldn't help but feel like this wasn't real. My girl was in my car. Granted, she wasn't my girl yet. By the end of the night, though, I was hoping I would have charmed her into it. 

The drive was mostly silent. The music I normally listened to played quietly in the background. About halfway to the school, I tried to start a conversation. "What music do you listen to?" I asked.

"I don't," came her curt reply. "I don't have any CDs and I don't have a phone."

I nearly stopped my car. Who didn't have a phone these days? "Oh. Okay." I paused and then asked, "Are you okay with what's playing?"

She raised an eyebrow at me. "It's your car. Play whatever you want."

I was almost impressed with her skillful conversation dodging. Still, I got the hint and stayed quiet until we parked. I hopped out and rushed to open her door. My hand was shaky, but I held it out to her. She took it as she exited the car. The heat of her skin on mine made sweat pop out of my pores. 

The last thing I needed was sweaty palms. Yuck.

Her hand moved up to my arm and I led her into the gym. It had been completely transformed. Yet, somehow, it looked almost exactly the same as it had when I went to my prom. The wall colors had changed, and so had the seats, but the rest was the same. 

Unimpressed, I glanced around. No one was really milling around. We'd gotten there too early for the cool kids to show up, it seemed. A photographer had already set up and was taking pictures. An idea hit me. 

I gestured toward him and asked, "Want one of us?"

She shrugged. "Not really, not right now."

Her words stung, so I decided to try to charm the sting out of them. "You're just going to end up sweating your makeup off later, you know," I said softly, sweeping some hair off her forehead. Her gorgeous eyes widened.  "Which would be a shame since you look so beautiful right now." I meant every word. She was a natural beauty, but tonight she surpassed her normal standard.

Before the Car | Escapes #0.5Where stories live. Discover now