𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 ; parents.

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"Another day started. More pain, more fighting,"
Zachary thought, as his thoughts crashed into one another.. He had to get ready for school, but he felt horrible, even worse than yesterday.

He got up, stretching until he heard the screams of his parents fighting again. He grew up hearing that though, so he's not that phased. Zachary started to get ready for school, his attendance was great but his grades weren't so alright..

He pulled on his school uniform and aligned his headphones with his ears to mask out the fighting, tied his shoes before grabbing his bag and heading out. The morning light adorned his light almond skin, kissing his soft freckles and shining against his own bright baby blue eyes.

Zachary entered the school gates, stepping into the building he's always despised. He jogged up the stairs and walked into his classroom, the sound of chatters and gossips faded out by his music. He sat down in his seat, looking out the window during the entirety of class.

"Oh, how the birds live so freely." He pondered upon, his mind up in the clouds, not realizing he's being called on by the teacher, Mrs. Kazzida.

"Zachary, Zachary!" Mrs. Kazzida called, but no response from Zachary. That was when he snapped out of his trance, replying with

"Yes, teacher?" He said, sobering up. The teacher wasn't so happy with his tardy response, so he got sent to the principals office, again.

"Tell me, young man. What are you here for, now?" The principal asked Zachary, who had seemed to be looking out-of-it.

"Oh, I lost focus in the middle of class," He responded, his fingers reaching up to slightly fix his black curls.

"Don't let it happen again, or else you'll be sent to the hospital for behavioral issues!" The principal snapped, as he looked the student in the eyes.

"I won't let it happen again, I promise!" Zachary vowed, walking out of the office, before getting called back in since the office received a call from his mother.

"Zachary Owens, your mother has called." He called out, offering the eager boy the phone and letting him listen to the call.

"What happened, mother?" He asked.

"Oh, this isn't your mother. We're letting you know that your father has been took in for Domestic Abuse." The man on the other line responded, leaving Zachary in a confused daze.

"Excuse me, what?" He asked, before getting hanged up on and receiving the news that he's getting picked up early.


A/N: I know it's pretty short, but this is how i make my chapters :)

I post on.. Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and maybe Fridays.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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