A Dead Body

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It was a hot summer day at Camp Campbell, most of the campers were swimming in the lake, except for Max, he didn't feel like swimming. (More like he can't but whatever)

"Cmon max, one dip in the water isn't gonna hurt you!" Nikki called out, swimming towards the dock. "I know it's not, I just don't feel like swimming. Plus, there's even cooler things to do than be in the water." Max bluffed, crossing his arms.

"Oh really? Like what?"

The young boy thought for a moment, before coming up with probably one of the stupidest excuses he knew.

"Finding dead bodies!" He grinned, placing his hands on his hips proudly.
"Oooo... that does sound cool!" Nikki smiled, and Neil swam over to Nikki.

"What are you guys talking about?" Neil asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Max said we could find dead bodies if we leave the water!"
"Uh-yeah, I did kind of say that."

Neil sighed, and looked at the two with slight disappointment.
"You guys are idiots."
"Not like you're much smarter! You're an idiot for someone who calls themselves 'a man of science'' max rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Fuck you."

Nikki and Neil got out of the lake and dried themselves off, and a few minutes later the two returned with their everyday clothes on.

"Let's go find a dead body!" Nikki cheered.
"Whatever you say." Neil shrugged, and followed after the young girl, max trailing behind.

The trio entered the nearby forest, Neil hoped they wouldn't find an actual dead body, but considered he's traveling around with two idiots, ANYTHING was possible.

"Where do you guys think the dead body will be?" Nikki chimed, skipping through the bushes.
"I don't know, I just hope it's not possessed or some shit." Max replied, looking around the forest they were exploring.
"The body being possessed would make this adventure even better!"

The trio walked for what seemed like forever, they heard a loud thump coming from nearby.

"What was that?" Neil spun around to where he heard the noise, seeing Nikki was already three steps ahead, and running at full speed towards the sound.
"I'm starting to think there's an actual dead body." Max sighed, following after the two.
"You mean you didn't plan this out?"
"Why the fuck would I have planned this out?!"
"I don't know!"

The three eventually camp to a stop when Nikki practically screamed at the top of her lungs

A/N: I got lazy :P

A/N: I got lazy :P

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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