08 | despite the conflicts

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The adrenaline of the game was pounding in my ears, a chaotic symphony that matched the turmoil in my chest. The gymnasium had turned into a stage where Anya had become an unexpected ally.

Why her? Of all people?

But then, without thinking, I had leapt in front of her.

I still don't know what drove me to do it.

Was it the look of determination on her face, or the sense of responsibility I felt toward her in that moment? As the ball hit me, the impact was more than physical, it was as if I had shattered an invisible barrier I didn't know I had built around me.

"Why did I just do that?" I whispered to myself, disbelief coloring my voice. My cheeks warmed with an unfamiliar flush, not from the effort but from a creeping sense of vulnerability.

The onlookers were just as shocked, their voices rising in a crescendo of disbelief and speculation. I could almost imagine what they were saying between themselves.

"Did Damian just protect Anya?" They would say to each other.

Am I becoming mad? I'm going insane.

All those thoughts made my defenses rise again.

"Did Sy-on Boy just protect Anya?" Anya crawled near me, as back further and further away. "Is he a good guy now?"

"No! I'm not! You misunderstand! I...I just...I..." I tried to defend, but the words was lost halfway out of my mouth.

"I just..."

My head was a whirlwind of emotions...again!

"Anya won't let your death be in vain, Sy-on Boy." I heard Anya's voice declare dramatically in the midst of my thoughts.

"I'm not dead!" I protested, annoyance creeping in. Is she mocking me or genuinely that clueless?

"Anya can still hear his cries."

"Really! What is wrong with you?"


The endgame approached with Anya poised for the final throw.

I sat next to Ewen, who was trying to nurse Emile's bruise.

Some sort of determination suddenly sparked from my chest.

Maybe she could actually win...she did punch me after all.

But instead of a climactic end, her throw was comically feeble, anticlimactic and baffling.


I could only watch as Bill claimed the ball and swiftly ended the game.

As Mr. Henderson declared the game over, my mouth still gaped.

"What the hell?" I blinked.

"Oh. God. I can't believe she just did that!" Ewen exclaimed. "After all that! She just wasted everyone's sacrifice!"

The rest of the class rallied around Bill. Cheering and jumping up and down.

Meanwhile, I was still grappling with a growing frustration.

"You can't be serious, you moron! What was that throw?" I couldn't contain my irritation any longer. "You can throw a punch but can't throw a ball? What is wrong with you? Defending you was a mistake!" The words burst forth, harsher than intended, driven by a confusion that was becoming too complex to understand.

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