Part 13

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~After 3 months~

Shu : How are you, love? Look, I bought your favorite food.

He sat beside her, who was sitting on a hospital bed. 3 months passed since Y/n was admitted to a hospital for her mental health treatment. Everyday Shu visits her and comforts her.

Shu : Doctor said your health is good now and you are going to discharge today....Y/n?

He stopped when he saw her sobbing with her head down. He quickly cupped her face, wiping her tears.

Shu : Hey! What happened, love? Why are you crying now? Everything is fine!

Y/n : I-I don't deserve you.. I misunderstood you and didn't trust you....I h-hurted you...I-I also tried to hurt our innocent b-baby...Mom is right. Y-You should leave me and find someone else.

His eyes softened and he hugged her.

Shu : Don't say it like this, Y/n! I love you and I can bear anything. No matter what, I will always wait for you and love you. Don't ever talk about separation. I can bear anything but not this. And whatever you did out of depression.

Y/n : I-I am sorry...I think somewhere because of my carelessness our Joon d-die.

Shu : No! I think it's time to tell you the truth.

Y/n: What truth?

He broke the hug and took her hands in his.

Shu : A-Actually...The girl named Suzie is your sister "Clara". She changed her name.

Y/n: But why?!

Shu : Because...she is a criminal. She killed Joon. She is the one who mixes poison in the milk bottle and she also tried to kill you but failed.

Y/n: H-How can she? I know that she hates me and is jealous but t-this much? She didn't even hesitate a little to kill our innocent baby.

Suzie aka Clara is Y/n's sister and she hates Y/n from childhood because she is more beautiful than her. Clara had a crush on Shu since highschool but she got furious when she got to know that Shu and Y/n were in a relationship and they got married happily. She is always jealous of their happy marriage. So, she changed her name and had plastic surgery to get closer to Shu.

Shu : She got her punishment for her sins. She is behind bars for her whole life. But next time you won't hide your pain from me. Promise me that we will always share our problems with each other.

Y/n : I promise!

Y/n hugged Shu tightly while Shu kissed her head and caressed her hair gently.

Shu : Let's forget the past now!

~After years~

Y/n was cooking breakfast when a small pair of hands hugged her knees. She smiles.

?? : Morninggg! Morninggg! Mama!!

A 4 year boy said with a cute smile.

Y/n: Morning Joon! You woke up very soon!

Joon : Yess!! Because I am excited to meet grandma and grandpa! Give me myy breakfast mama!! I am soooo hungry.

Y/n: Yeah just a few minutes baby! You go and sit. I am coming.

Joon : Okiee!!

She again engaged in her work. Shu also came downstairs.

Shu : Good morning, love!

Y/n: Good morning...

Shu : Joon is so excited to go?

Y/n: *giggled* Yes. He is so happy to meet his grandparents.

~At Shu's parents house~

Mrs. Kurenai: I am sorry again, Y/n...I shouldn't be so harsh on you during your pregnancy. Because of me you tried to suicide and even I said Shu to leave you.

Y/n: No mom...any mother would do the same even if something happens like with my son I should have done the same. Don't blame yourself.

Shu : Yes. Whatever happens it happens. We can't change our past so leave it.

Mrs. Kurenai: You are right Shu and I am so proud of you. You stayed strong and supported your wife.

Shu : Because I love her so much mom.


Joon : Why myy name there written mama?

Y/n: It's not your grave baby. It's your brother's.

Joon : Brother? I had a brother? What happened to him?

Shu: He was killed by someone close to your mama. But don't worry baby, she is being punished for that.

Joon : Okayy....But whyy my name is similar to him?

Shu : Because we think that god sent you to us instead of your brother. You are indeed an angel. The time you entered our life was perfect.

Joon : Reallyy?! So I am your luckyy charm!?

Y/n: Yes! You give me reason for living and because of you we are together.

Joon : hehe~ Say thanks to me mama, daddy!!

Shu & Y/n: Thank you so much baby!!

~Later on~

On the way, they decided to spend some time on a beach. Joon went to play in the water.

Y/n: Be careful Joon!!

Joon nodded and continued playing. Shu and Y/n sat on the sand.

Y/n: Shu...

Shu : Hmm?

Y/n: I love you...

She said as she leaned her head on his shoulders. Shu chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

Shu : I wife is suddenly being romantic. May I know the reason?

Y/n: Can't I?

Shu : Of course, you can. I am all yours. And I am happy that none of us cried while visiting Elder Joon's grave. You are so strong. A strong mother and I am a strong father for our baby Joon.

Y/n: Yeah...after all we can't hold up to the past. We have to move on. Besides that, our baby Joon is here with us. I am very lucky to have you. I love you.

Shu : I love you too...No matter what will happen but we can never fall apart.

They leaned in and kissed each other softly.

Many things have changed. But they never stop loving each other. Their love was something that can't be described.

Finally, a husband's war is over. He successfully saved his beloved wife.



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