T-Rex Returns, Part 1

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There is something missing from our world... the amazing animals that time has left behind. But what if we could bring them back?, what if extinction didn't have to be forever?... we're going back in time on a safari with a difference, as wildlife adventurer Nigel Marven and his Toon pals, plunge into prehistory to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction. Their plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present, and give them a second chance. On their very first mission, they hope to rescue some of the last of the dinosaurs from the most dramatic extinction ever. Welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary... welcome to Prehistoric Park.

It's a big day at Prehistoric Park, throughout this huge reserve, everyone is building the first enclosures for the first arrivals. Bob: "Come on lads, quick as you like, and remember, check everything, this is home to a dangerous creature." Roo: "Really?" Miss Kanga: "What do you mean by that?, what is it?" Bob: "I don't know yet, but Nigel told me it'll be dangerous, and if Nigel says it, then it must be..." Barney: "Oh boy... I don't like the sound of that..." Fred: "What do you think it's gonna be?" Bob: "No idea... but from what Nigel told me about how to make this enclosure, it's big." Roo: "Is it a Dinosaur?" Bob: "Maybe... who knows... only time will tell I guess..." said Bob, before the scene changed to show Nigel and the Toon kids looking at map of Prehistoric Park itself. Nigel: "The natural mountain terrain should help us contain the animals, not to mention this place has savannahs, forest, rivers, and even a waterfall... perfect environment for us to keep some prehistoric animals..." Tommy: "Yeah... but what are we bringing back first?" Gidget: "Boney 10 said it's gonna be a dangerous creature..." Melody: "Oh dear..." Jokeo: "But hasn't told us what it is?" Jokey: "Yeah." Nigel: "He said he'll give us more details of the mission when we get to the park's newly finished museum." said Nigel, before he and the kids went off to the museum he mentioned before, and there they see some dinosaur skeletons that were being displayed. It wasn't long before they find Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), the friendly old demon dragon that gave Nigel the time traveling technology and co-founder of Prehistoric Park besides Nigel, coming up to them. Boney 10: "Hello Nigel, hey kids, welcome to the museum, nice ain't it?" Tommy: "It sure is." Gidget: "So are you gonna tell us what our first mission is please?" Melody: "Yes, pretty please?" Boney 10: "Of course, that's what we're here for... so I can show you the creature itself... a creature that was known the king of all dinosaurs... Tyrannosaurus Rex." said Boney 10, as he points his cane at the T-Rex skeleton display behind him. Nigel: "Nice... I was thinking about starting with T-Rex myself..." Melody: "Really?... I don't know... that might be a little extreme... isn't it?" Gidget: "She's right... I mean T-Rex was most likely one of the most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the Earth..." Boney 10: "Yes... so it should be a good challenge for you all... for if you can handle on taking care of a T-Rex, you can handle anything." Tommy: "Oh yeah, that's a good point... and it would be really cool to see a real live T-Rex in the present." Melody: "Hmm... I guess so..." Jokey: "I think it's pretty cool too." Jokeo: "Yeah... having a dinosaur king in the park sounds really cool... let's do it!" Nigel: "Well in that case, we better tell the others, let them know what we're getting." said Nigel, before he and the kids went to Nigel's Base, where the whole staff of the park was having a meeting about what Nigel and his team are gonna bring back first. Bob: "You've got to be kidding... a T-Rex...?" Roo: "The king of the dinosaurs?, wow... hear that mama?, we're getting some royalty in the park!" Miss Kanga: "So I've heard... but are you sure about this?" Serena: "Yeah... I mean that thing scares me while it's just bones... a live one would surely be a nightmare..." Gidget: "Well that's what Boney 10 wants us to bring back, and he is the one in charge of setting up the missions and keeping the park running." Wilma: "But can we really trust him?, I mean... he is a demon after all..." Betty: "Wilma has a good point... demons are known to steal souls..." Nigel: "I can assure you, Boney 10 is a good demon, otherwise he wouldn't be helping us run this park... anyway, does anyone know how the Dinosaurs became extinct?" Roo: "Um... I don't know... did some kind of disaster happened?" Nigel: "Indeed, for most people believed that the Dinosaurs became extinct when a large astroid, the size of Mount Everest smashed into the Earth, somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, and you can still see the crater today, now then... our mission is travel back around 65,000,000 BC of prehistoric Montana, where the last of the Dinosaurs, including T-Rex, have lived, and hopefully we could bring back one or two." Barney: "Hey uh... how are you gonna catch them?" Ash: "Easy, with my Pokéballs of course." Serena: "But Ash, those are for Pokémon only, they were not meant for real animals, let alone prehistoric ones." Ash: "Well Boney 10 sort of gave them an upgrade, so they should work on the prehistoric creatures." Gidget: "And my psychic powers could help too." Tommy: "Yeah, so this mission should be possible." Jokey: "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Jokeo: "Yeah!" so with that, Nigel and his team went to the holding pens, which is the location that the animals go into when they arrive to the park and be held until they're ready to be moved into their enclosure. It was also the location of the main Time Portal, which is what the team will use to travel back in time to rescue the prehistoric animals. Melody came over to Tommy and gave him a big hug. Melody: "Be careful big brother..." Tommy: "Don't worry sis, I'll be fine, I am a Toon after all, and we'll be back before you know it." said Tommy, before he and the others went through the Time Portal and arrived to prehistoric Montana, 65,000,000 BC, a world before grass and volcanoes dominated the landscape. Here, T-Rex is the king or queen, now all Nigel and his team need to do is find one, and they also know that the sooner they accomplish their mission, the better. Ash: "Wow... this place is... breathtaking..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Nigel: "Yeah... but I just hope we haven't bitten off more than we could chew, we got so little time... like 3 days from now, the astroid will hit the Earth, so we need to rescue a T-Rex before then..." Tommy: "So where do we start looking?" Nigel: "I'd say we try out that nearby forest, maybe there's a T-Rex hunting another dinosaur and see if we can catch it." said Nigel, before he and the team go off into the forest, which looked like the kind you would see in Chilli. Jokey: "Um... Ash... you said your Pokéballs can now catch prehistoric animals, right?" Ash: "Yeah, I can also now carry at least 30 of them, like how I caught a lot of Tauros from the Safari Zone... which of course never got aired in America for certain reasons..." Jokey: "But uh... don't they need the creature to be weak enough to catch without breaking out?" Ash: "Well... yes... but don't worry, we got Pikachu with us, his Thunderbolt attack should do the trick." Nigel: "Yes... I suppose... but try not to use full power, we don't want to hurt them after all..." Gidget: "Hey everyone!... I found some tracks." said Gidget, as she sees some footprints on the ground. Nigel: "Good work Gidget... these look like small theropod tracks... too small for T-Rex... but still a dinosaur... and judging by the bitten off ferns, I'd say it's a vegetarian... and there are a lot of them..." suddenly, a loud squawk was heard, and the ground turned around to see what looked like an ostrich like dinosaur with a gray scales on most of the body while the head and neck were blue, and it had a beak as well. Ash: "Is that... a Dinosaur?" Nigel: "Yes... I've seen these in museums... it's called Ornithomimus, which means 'Bird Mimic'... and you can see why... it's a lot like an ostrich..." said Nigel, before he tries to get a little, only to step back when the Ornithomimus let's out a loud squawk, telling Nigel to step away. Gidget: "Yikes!, he's loud..." Nigel: "That was only a warning... and look... there's more of them..." said Nigel, before some more Ornithomimus popped out of the bushes, and begin feeding on the ferns of the bushes. Jokey: "Wow... there are a lot of them..." Jokeo: "And it looks like they're plant eaters..." Nigel: "They are... but they do sometimes eat some insects or a lizard..." said Nigel, as he can see some of them eating a small beetle or a tiny lizard. Ash: "Wow... our first dinosaurs..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Gidget: "Oh no..." Tommy: "What's wrong?" Gidget: "I just realized something... these guys are gonna go extinct too..." Ash: "Oh man... you're right..." Nigel: "Yes... sad to say so... but you're right... these Ornithomimus will soon to be extinct with the T-Rex... unless..." Ash: "Unless what?" Nigel: "Well... maybe we can save a few of them with your Pokéballs... I mean I know that we came to rescue a T-Rex... but that doesn't mean we can't rescue a few other creatures along the way..." Ash: "Good idea... but I need to weaken them enough so they can work... and Pikachu's Thunderbolt sure do it." Pikachu: "Pika." Nigel: "Well... I wish for a less painful way... but I guess it could work... but please try not to overdo it." Ash: "Don't worry... we got this... Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu let's out a powerful Thunderbolt attack that gives the Ornithomimus flock a real shock of their lives, knocking them out cold, and then Ash throws some Pokéballs at them, catching about 7 males and 6 females. Ash: "Alright!, I've caught a flock of Ornithomimus!" Pikachu: "Pi!, Pikachu!" Tommy: "Do you really have to do that?" Ash: "What?, it's what I've always done back in the anime." suddenly, the group heard a loud roar that shook them a little, and then some of the trees and bushes began to shake up, alerting them that something much bigger than an Ornithomimus was coming. It looked like some T-Rex have found Nigel and the team, before they could find them, as a trio of T-Rex came to the scene, roaring at them. Jokey: "Nobody... move a muscle... they can't see us as long as we don't move..." Nigel: "Actually... that only works in the Jurassic Park films... a real T-Rex has much better vision than that..." Ash: "In other words... they can see us..." Nigel: "Yup..." Tommy: "Uh oh..." Jokey: "Well in that case... maybe we should... run!" shouted Jokey, before he and the others begin to make a run for it, trying to escape from the T-Rex trio, who began to chase the time travelers. Luckily for them, Nigel and his team have one advantage, T-Rex are so top heavy that if it trips, the fall could kill it. So as they went deeper into the forest, where there was no room for large animals to walk through the T-Rex stopped chasing Nigel and the others, before letting out a roar in anger and frustration that their prey had got away. Nigel: "Everyone alright?" Ash: "Yeah... I think so..." Gidget: "Wow... that was way too close for comfort..." Tommy: "Looks like they can't risk going in this part of the forest without tripping..." Nigel: "Yes... they can't risk it..." Jokey: "What now?" Nigel: "Well... the sun is going down by the looks of it... I think what we should do now... is set up camp for the night... and continue our search in the morning..." Ash: "Good idea..." Pikachu: "Pika..." so with that, the group went off to set up camp, which is located near a waterhole, and hope that they'll get better luck on getting a T-Rex by tomorrow. When morning came, the camp gets some visitors, in for of large plant eating dinosaurs with three horns. Ash: "Wow... what are they?" Nigel: "Those are Triceratops, another group of famous Dinosaurs besides T-Rex... they're plant eaters... and they're famous for those horns they have there." Gidget: "Hmm... judging by the colors of their frills... I'd say the ones with the blue frills are the males, and the ones with brown frills are the females." Nigel: "I think you're right... and there's a big male in front... he must be the leader of the herd." said Nigel, pointing at the large male that's the first to be drinking the water in the waterhole. Ash: "I'm guessing these guys will go extinct too... huh?" Nigel: "Sadly yes... these along with T-Rex and the rest of the dinosaur species on the planet..." Ash: "Well... not if we can rescue some of them..." Gidget: "Um... I don't think we'll get the chance... look!" called out Gidget, as she points at what looked like a pack of T-Rex, lead by a large female, coming to the scene, ready to have one of their favorite food, the Triceratops. Soon, the T-Rex pack began to charge towards the Triceratops herd, and Nigel and his team were there to witness the brawl between two famous dinosaurs. Ash: "Oh man... looks like we're about to witness a dinosaur battle..." Nigel: "Seems like it, and what the T-Rex are doing is trying to find the weakest." said Nigel, as he knows that a fully grown Triceratops was far from defenseless, for it's frill was made of solid bone. Which was shown as a group of full grown Triceratops were showing off their horns and frills to the T-Rex, showing that they were not to be going down so easily without a fight. But the younger Triceratops knew better than to stand their ground, as they were all running away from the danger. Gidget: "Oh no!" Tommy: "What's wrong?" Gidget: "That younger Triceratops is in big trouble!" shouted Gidget, as one of the Triceratops youngsters was running the wrong way, heading right towards the lead female T-Rex, who catches the youngster with her powerful jaws that can crush bone. Nigel and the others stared helplessly as they knew that they can't get involved, no matter how much they wanted to. However, another grown up Triceratops, which happens to be the youngster's mother no doubt, came to the scene and jabs the female T-Rex with her horns, forcing the predator to let go of the youngster at last. Nigel: "The horns went right into the upper thigh!" Ash: "Oh man... that's gotta hurt..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Gidget: "That Triceratops must be the youngster's mother." Nigel: "I think you're right... goes to show that a mother will go to great lengths to protect her baby..." said Nigel, seeing the mother Triceratops fighting off the female T-Rex to protect her now injured youngster. Seeing that the young female Triceratops will need some help for her bite mark injuries, Ash uses a Pokéball to catch the her. Unfortunately, the mother saw this and she got mad, ready to charge towards the boy. Ash: "Uh oh... maybe I should have caught the mother first..." Gidget: "You think?!" said Gidget, before the mother Triceratops begins to charge, heading straight for the team. Ash: "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu let's out a powerful Thunderbolt that hits the mother Triceratops, paralyzing her in the process, allowing Ash to catch her with a Pokéball. Seeing that the hunt was a lost cause the rest of the T-Rex pack ran away from the scene, leaving the injured female T-Rex alone, who now has to make her own kill, and it seems she has found her next victim, which was another Triceratops youngster, a male this time. As the injured female T-Rex begins to march towards the young Triceratops, Nigel begins to set up the Time Portal. Nigel: "Maybe we can get two Dinosaur species for the price of one..." Tommy: "Actually three if you count the Ornithomimus flock we caught yesterday." Nigel: "Right... but anyway... if we can lure the Triceratops through the Time Portal... then maybe... the T-Rex will follow..." said Nigel, trying to use his safari vest to lure the Triceratops to the Time Portal. Gidget: "I hope it works... cause here she comes!" called out Gidget, as she and the others, including the young male Triceratops, make a run for it into the Time Portal, which they all ran through, while the T-Rex just stood there and roared, before letting out a growl in confusion as she didn't understood how her prey vanished like that. Back in Prehistoric Park, Bob, Fred, Barney, Miss Kanga and little Roo were at the elevated walkway of the holding pens, when they see the Time portal opening up and out came the young male Triceratops and the rescue team. Roo: "What's that?" Bob: "Well it's certainly not a T-Rex... but it's a good start." Fred: "Wait... I think I know that that is..." Barney: "Me too Fred... I think that's a Triceratops." Miss Kanga: "Is it a meat eater?" Fred: "What?, no no, it's a plant eater." Barney: "Yeah, we used to see a lot of those back in the days of our show, along with other kinds of dinosaurs." Roo: "Wow... it looks really cool..." said Roo, as the young male Triceratops was moved into the holding pens, and it wasn't long before news spread out that Prehistoric Park's first dinosaur has arrived. Head vet Suzanne and the other girls went over to see for themselves. Suzanne: "Wow, it's a Triceratops... they've done it... our first dinosaur... he's magnificent..." Serena: "Yeah... he certainly is..." Sylveon: "Vee..." Wilma: "He certainly looks healthy." Better: "Yeah... he certainly does." Gidget: "And not only that, we also managed to get two more Triceratops, along with a flock of Ornithomimus." Serena: "Really?, where are they?" Ash: "I caught them with my Pokéballs here." Fred: "So we got more dinosaurs here?" Barney: "Then I guess we better get to work on getting them to their new homes as soon as possible." Fred: "Yeah... I doubt any of them would want to be in the holding pens or those balls for a very long time." said Fred, as he and the other workers begin to load up the male Triceratops into a loading vehicle, and Nigel has an idea on where to put the Triceratops trio. Soon, Nigel and the team arrived to a newly built enclosure, which was given the name of Triceratops Creek, where the loading vehicle was getting ready to unload the young male Triceratops. Nigel: "Hey Bob, what do you think of our first dinosaur?" Bob: "Well he was unexpected, but I'll forgive you, as he's really magnificent." Nigel: "Good to hear, and I've come up with a name for the male, which is Theo." Bob: "Ah... good name." Gidget: "I picked Dora for the young female, and Kelsey for the mother." Bob: "Oh... good names... alright, let him out!" called out Bob, before Theo comes out of the loading vehicle and was now in his new home. Roo: "How come we didn't move him into the savannah part of the park?" Nigel: "Because there's too much grass there, and grass didn't existed yet in the time of the dinosaurs, so they can't eat grass, and the Triceratops is not like a cow, it doesn't graze, it's more a browser like a black rhino, so he needs low shrubs and trees, which this place has lots of, so this enclosure will be great for him." Jokey: "And what about the females?" Melody: "We need to make sure the young female is in full health again, meaning she and her mother will have to stay in the clinic until she makes a full recovery." Tommy: "Good idea, the mother might go wild if she doesn't have her child..." Barney: "So I guess the mission's over?" Nigel: "Not quite, we still need to rescue the T-Rex, so we're going back there and rescue it before the Astroid hits the Earth... and another thing, we also brought back a flock of Ornithomimus with Ash's Pokéballs, so you can take them into a new enclosure of their own while we're away." Bob: "Sure thing... good luck with the T-Rex." said Bob, before Nigel and his team went off to go back to the holding pens, head back into the Time Portal and back to prehistoric Montana, in hopes to return with a T-Rex.


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