Welcome To Prehistoric Park

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Somewhere in the continent of Africa, there was a wildlife sanctuary being built, and the one in charge of it was the famous zoologist named Nigel Marven (played by himself), his job will be head animal rescuer. He's not the only only one working there, there was also Bob (played by Rod Arthur), who is the head park keeper, and then there's Suzanne McNabb (played by herself), who is the head park veterinarian. Of course there were gonna be a lot of human workers, but there are gonna be some Toons working there too, as Nigel happens to be the current guardian of 5 Toon kids, and he thought it was fair to let Toons have a job in the park too. The first of the Toon kids was Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), the Toon fox boy with a rainbow bow tie, the second was Gidget (voiced by Lisa Ortiz), the Toon Mew girl with a purple sleeveless dress, the third was Melody (voiced by Nancy Cartwright), a blue rabbit girl that happens to be Tommy's little sister, and finally, there was Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), the Toon hyena twins. Nigel: "Wow... this place is so beautiful... and the perfect location of the park..." Tommy: "You can say that again... this place is like the paradise for any creature that's been extinct for millions of years..." Gidget: "Yeah... at least for reptiles like Dinosaurs... I don't know if this place is good for certain animals that might have lived in very cold places..." Melody: "Oh that's right... that could be a problem..." Nigel: "Don't worry, if that would be the case, we can just give them a haircut." Jokey: "Okay, that works." Jokeo: "Uh huh." Tommy: "By the way Mr Nigel... the new recruits should be here soon... and they're all Toons... I hope you don't mind that." Nigel: "Not at all, for I think Toons deserve a chance here just as much as humans... besides, it might be good for you kids to have some Toon friends to talk to... who are the recruits by the way?" Gidget: "Well... according to the list of those that accepted the offer to work here... there's Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu, Serena and her Sylveon, Mr and Mrs Flintstone, Mr and Mrs Rubble, and finally, there's Miss Kanga and her son named Roo." Nigel: "Wait... you mean Ash Ketchum and Serena from the Pokémon anime, Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty from The Flintstones... and Kanga and little Roo from Disney's Winnie The Pooh?" Tommy: "Yeah... Ash and Pikachu happened to be friends of mine, so when after their time in the anime ended, and needed a new job, I asked him to come here." Gidget: "Same with Serena for me." Jokeo: "My bro and I happened to be friends of the Flintstones and Rubbles, so when we learned that they were badly in need of a job, we called them to come here." Jokey: "Yeah, and they're kinda prehistoric themselves, so this should be perfect for them." Melody: "And Roo happens to be my best friend, and when I learned that he and his mother were in need of a job after the Winnie the Pooh series came to an end, I gave them a call to come here." Nigel: "Well that was very kind of you kids... I'm sure they'll be great to have around here." said Nigel, before he and the kids went off to the entrance of Prehistoric Park, where Bob and Suzanne were waiting for them. Bob: "About time you got here." Nigel: "Hello Bob, hello Suzanne, are the new recruits here yet." Suzanne: "Not yet, but they should be here any moment now." said Suzanne, before a helicopter came to the scene, and makes a landing on the ground. Out came a group of Toons from either cartoons or anime, one be an Anime Toon boy with black hair named Ash Ketchum (voiced by Veronica Taylor), and his Pokémon starter, Pikachu, the second be an anime Toon girl with honey blonde hair named Serena (voiced by Haven Paschall), and her Pokémon partner called Sylveon, the third coming out was a caveman with black hair and a blue tie who happens to be Fred Flintstone (voiced by Alan Reed), followed by his red haired wife named Wilma (voiced by Jean Vander Pyl), then another caveman that was shorter with yellow hair named Barney Rubble (voiced by Mel Blanc), followed by his black haired wife named Betty (voiced by Gerry Johnson), then another Toon, which was a living stuffed kangaroo named Miss Kanga (voiced by Kath Soucie), came out with a little kangaroo boy with a blue shirt named Roo (voiced by young Nikita Matthew Hopkins). Ash: "So is this the place?" Pikachu: "Pika?" Serena: "Wow... I can't believe we're really in Africa... and it's much hotter than I thought it'll be..." Fred: "Well what did you expect?, it's Africa." Barney: "Yeah, but I'll bet your temper's even hotter, which was how our show got canceled long ago." said Barney as he begins to laugh, while Fred was annoyed by the joke. Fred: "Very funny Barn, but another crack like that and you'll be canceled yourself!" Wilma: "Oh cool it Fred, we're supposed to make a good first impression to our new employers." Betty: "She's right, we failed to get many jobs before in the past and we don't want to mess up this one." Fred: "Yeah, I know." Miss Kanga: "I have to admit, I was surprised to learn that they would accept me and Roo as we're not humans, Toons or not." Roo: "Well my best friend Melody, happens to be working here, so of course they would allow us to work here." Miss Kanga: "Fair enough dear." Ash: "Hey look, here they come." said Ash, before Nigel, Bob, Suzanne, and the Toon kids came over to them. Nigel: "Hello everyone, I'm Nigel Marven, the kids have told me about you being friends of theirs." Ash: "Yeah, it's great to meet you too." Serena: "Yeah, the famous Nigel Marven, you're a zoologist legend." Nigel: "Well I don't know about that..." Roo: "Melody said this place can offer us a job, but what kind of job?" Miss Kanga: "Yes, I've been wondering that myself." Fred: "Does it pay well?" Nigel: "Well this is a wildlife sanctuary, so we're not here to make money, but to take care of the animals here." Roo: "Cool!, what kind of animals?" Tommy: "Well... you might think it sounds crazy." Wilma: "Can't be more crazy than the adventures we had in the days of our show." Ash: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing." Pikachu: "Pika." Gidget: "Well... first thing we're gonna tell you... is that there is something missing from our world." Jokey: "Huh?, there is?" Jokeo: "What?" Gidget: "The amazing animals that time has left behind." Melody: "Oh yeah... like the Dinosaurs for example, or the Wooly Mammoth..." Tommy: "But... what if we could bring them back?... what if extinction didn't have to be forever?" Ash: "Huh?" Serena: "What do you mean by that?" Miss Kanga: "I don't quite follow dears..." Roo: "Me neither..." Fred: "Will you get to the point?" Wilma: "Fred, be nice." Nigel: "Well what they're trying to say is that... we're gonna run the ultimate wildlife sanctuary for creatures that have been extinct for millions of years." Bob: "Like Dinosaurs for example." Fred: "What?!" Barney: "You mean we're gonna work in a real life Jurassic Park?" Melody: "Not really, for we plan to have more than just dinosaurs, but other extinct creatures too." Gidget: "And we're not getting the animals through cloning either... we're getting the real original deal." Ash: "Really?!, that's awesome!" Pikachu: "Pika!" Serena: "But... how would that be possible?" Roo: "Um... what are dinosaurs again?" Miss Kanga: "Um... if I'm correct... they're special reptiles that once ruled the Earth millions of years ago... right?" Nigel: "They were indeed... and to how to get them... we had a friend who gave us a special device that can allow us to travel back in time and rescue some of the beautiful creatures that time has left behind." Barney: "Really?, what kind of Time Machine?" Fred: "Come on Barn, don't tell me that you actually believe that nonsense." Jokeo: "But it's true, and we don't blame you for not believing it, for we found it hard to believe at first ourselves." Jokey: "Yeah, but how about we show you?" Nigel: "Good idea." said Nigel, before he sets up the Time Portal, and then pressed a button on a remote and the portal was formed, much to the group's surprise. Roo: "Cool... so that's how we'll get dinosaurs here?" Melody: "That's right, and other extinct creatures too." Fred: "I still doubt it though." Nigel: "Well then take a look on the other side." said Nigel, before Fred and the other Toons went poke their heads into the portal, and they were shocked to see what was on the other side. The see a forest that had not existed for over 150 million years, and a pair of Stegosaurus were eating some ferns while a herd of large sauropods were passing by. When the Toons stepped away from the portal, they were shocked and amazed at the same time, Ash: "Whoa... did you see that?" Serena: "Yeah... I saw it... but it should have been impossible..." Pikachu: "Pika..." Sylveon: "Vee..." Barney: "Wow... never thought I would see dinosaurs again..." Betty: "I don't really think the ones in our show really count..." Fred: "No way... those were real dinosaurs..." Wilma: "Yeah... not the kind from Jurassic Park... but the real deal..." Roo: "Wow!, they were so big!, much bigger than a Heffalump!" Miss Kanga: "I have to agree on that... they were indeed larger than any creature I've ever seen..." Nigel: "Yeah... we were shocked by it too, but as you can see, we now have a way to not only travel into the past, but we can rescue some of the creatures that went extinct for thousands or millions of years." Bob: "Yup, and you'll be working here to help on taking care of them, by the way, I'm Bob, the head park keeper." Suzanne: "And I'm Suzanne, head park veterinarian." Serena: "Well it's great to meet you, and I'm looking forward to work here." Sylveon: "Vee!" Ash: "That goes double for me." Pikachu: "Pikachu!" Barney: "Gee... this must be fate, I mean we're cave people that are about to work in a prehistoric zoo, which is actually fitting." Fred: "Yeah, you can say that again." Wilma: "Actually it's a wildlife reserve." Betty: "I don't think they care about the difference." Roo: "Wow... mama, isn't this amazing?" Miss Kanga: "I suppose so... but is this place safe?, I mean the creatures could be dangerous... right?" Nigel: "Well I won't lie, the past was full of dangerous creatures, but as long as we're careful and give them respect, we'll be alright... anyway... for your roles... Fred and Barney, you two along with Miss Kanga and Roo will be working with Bob as park keepers, while Melody, Serena, Wilma and Betty will be working with Suzanne as veterinarians." Ash: "What about me and Pikachu here?" Pikachu: "Pika, Pika?" Nigel: "Well... with your experience on the field... you will be working with me, Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo as part of the animal rescue team." Ash: "Really?!, awesome!" Pikachu: "Pi, Pikachu!" Nigel: "I'm glad to hear that, now then... once we get a call from Boney 10 on what he wants us to bring back first, we'll be off to get it, and we must make sure on having a place for it to live." Roo: "Yes sir!" Melody: "We understand Mr Nigel sir." Miss Kanga: "Of course, if we're gonna have animals, we need a place for them in this park... oh... what's the name of the place again." Nigel: "Why... Prehistoric Park of course miss... and believe me... this will be a dream come true." said Nigel, as he and the others walked passed the big gates of the park, and went into Prehistoric Park itself.

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