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There was something strangely satisfactory in keeping secrets.

Jaime was thinking about this as he sat out on the sidewalk in front of his house. Ruffling his semi-short, straightened brown hair, he sighed. He pushed his skateboard back and forth and glanced down both sides of the street.

He was waiting for his (cough cough) 'friend', Tony, to get there already.

The corner of Jaime's mouth lifted. They had been friends for a couple years now, since Jaime had moved to San Diego, because they both skateboarded and lived on the same street. They became ridiculously close unusually fast, and confessed attraction to each other. Unfortunately, they lived in a close-minded town, surrounded by close-minded friends and family. They had to keep what they had a secret.

And Jaime found a sort of thrill in that.

Nobody knew but them what they did when they were in Jaime's room. Their parents thought they were playing video games or studying, which most of the time they were, but there was a difference. They'd rest their head on the other's shoulder and hold hands or sit on the bed with their legs tangled together. The thought of anybody walking in and finding out gave Jaime this thrilled feeling, a rush of adrenaline that was new and... addictive.

They'd only kissed once, and it was short and awkward. Tony was so scared of anyone catching them, he'd wanted to do it in the closet (funnily enough). So Jaime took his hands and stood in the dark space with him. It took forever to build up the courage, from both sides, but Tony got tired of the wait and just pecked Jaime on the lips, almost missing.

Jaime kind of giggled at the memory and his stomach flipped at the thought of a second kiss. He wondered if--no--he hoped that'd happen today.

Then he heard the sound of wheels on pavement.

He immediately turned his head to see Tony skateboarding down the street. Jaime smiled and waved as he stood.

Tony waved back, then stepped off his skateboard as he neared. He turned and stopped it, then picked it up.

He was a quiet boy, shy and cute. He had the pickiest taste in classic rock and straight, shaggy hair.

"Hi," Jaime said, still smiling.

"Hello," Tony said, walking closer. He had these kind of chubby cheeks and a smile that made Jaime giggle. "I have the-" he hiccuped "hiccups."

"Aw, I'm sorry," Jaime said, then had an idea. He jumped and shouted, "Boo!"

Tony stepped back and let out a noise of surprise. He then frowned. "Why'd you do that?" Tony asked, then hiccuped.

Jaime shrugged. "I thought it'd work." He began to walk up his driveway.

"Well you were wrong," said Tony, following. "All you succeeded in doing was gi-" he hiccuped "giving me a heart attack."

"Sorry," Jaime said. He opened the front door and walked in, leaving it open.

Tony closed it behind him, hiccuping. They leant their skateboards against the wall next to the door.

"Have you tried holding your breath?" Jaime asked, walking through the living room to the kitchen.

"Yes," Tony said, then another hiccup.

"Well, try it again." Jaime held his breath as an example and Tony followed suit until they reached kitchen table.

Tony sighed, letting out the air. "It's useless. I'm just gonna have to deal with" hiccup "with these."

"No, you're not," Jaime said, pulling out his phone. "Oh, and Mom's out, by the way." He gazed up at Tony and smiled. "We have the house to ourselves."

Hiccups // skateboarders!perriadoWhere stories live. Discover now