( Wedding shop - 2 )

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Hello . I'm back after a long time . So sorry fro the time taking .

Back to the story .

Yujin and gyuvin walking through the mall to find the shop . After walking for a while gyuvin ran to a shop leaving yujin confused . When yujin looked at which shop did gyuvin ran into he chuckled .

Yujin : A Plushies shop . Is he a kid ? ( chuckled )

Yujin went inside to find gyuvin nowhere . He hate public speaking but still gave up his shyness and shouted gyuvins name ( a/n :to me i'll leave him there . No public speak . A BIG NO )

Yujin : GYUVIN ( no response ) GYUVIN!!!( no respond ) ( sigh ) KIM GYUVIN ( shouted )
Gyuvin : Why , what happend ? ( concerned )
Yujin : Finally . Don't leave me now !! ( sigh )
Gyuvin : Awww ! Is someone is concerned about me ( smirk )
Yujin : ( smacked gyuvin head ) No dumbo . If something happend to you . Dad will kill me . So from now . Stay with me if you want to see me alive ( coldly )
Gyuvin : ( pout ) Fine . Then can I go now to get my plushies .
Yujin : Sure . Only two ( coldly )
Gyuvin : But I wa- ( cutted of )
Yujin : Only 2 i said it . ( strictly )
Gyuvin : fine . ( pout )

After that they went to choose their plushies . After few minutes of finding they came to the same spot with the plushies they choosed . So Both of them went to cashier to pay for the plushies .

Cashier : What is your name sir ? ( flirt )
Gyuvin : Oh Gyuvin ! ( smiled )
Cashier : Can I have your number ? ( flirt )
Gyuvin : Oh su- ( cutted of )
Yujin : No . Can you just finish your job now ! ( annoyed )
Cashier : Who are you to say that ? ( annoy )
Yujin : ( went closer whisper ) Son of this mall Owner of this shop . ( then showed his id )
Cashier : Oh . So sorry sir . I'll finish it now .
Yujin: Thank you . Also where is your manager ?
Cashier : I'll call him now .

After few minutes the manager of this shop came and got shocked to see the
Son of the mall owner of the shop .

Manager :Sir . What bring you here ? ( bowed )
Yujin : I just need one help . Fire her and get a new one . ( coldly )

After saying that Yujin and confused gyuvin left the shop without letting them to speak .

Gyuvin : What is that ? ( confused )
Yujin : What ? ( confused )
Gyuvin : Who are you to say fire her ? ( confused )
Yujin : Someone you don't need to know . ( coldly )
Gyuvin : Okay . Then what's the reason for you to fire her ? ( confused )
Yujin : Literally she is flirting with you . Can't you understand it ? ( disbelief )
Gyuvin : What if she did ?
Yujin : She literally asking your number and you are gonna give to her ( disbelief )
Gyuvin : What about it . You can't control me . I can do anything i want and yes i was gonna give her my number what about it ?
Yujin : Because you can't !!
Gyuvin : Why I can't ? ( confused )
Yujin : Because you can't . So stop asking questions now . let's leave
Gyuvin : No we won't leave until you give me the reasons . ( darkly )
Yujin : Because You can't . So stop it now .
Gyuvin : TELL ME THE DAMN REASON !! ( shouted )

( a/n : Oh gyuvin boy . You messed up )
Gyuvin should taking everyone attention and making yujin flinched . Yujin looked upto see strangers staring at him . He got embarrassed and eyes teary

Yujin : I'll let hao hyung about you and yoy can continue the shopping with him .I'll go now . ( looking down )
Gyuvin : Wait . Yujin

But yujin ran away from there . Gyuvin sighed for his anger issues . After few hao came to gyuvin .

Gyuvin :How is he ? ( concerned )
Hao : Who ? ( confused )
Gyuvin : Yujin
Hao : Oh he is fine . He said to me to say sorry fro being control over you . Don't worry about him ( smiled )
Gyuvin : I'm sorry ( looked down )
Hao : Why ? ( confused )
Gyuvin : For yelling at your younger brother . ( still looking at the floor )
Hao : I said it is fine . So don't worry now ( smiled )

They are walking through the mall to find the shop after walking for minutes . They got tired they sat down at a bench .

Gyuvin :You know hao hyung .( smiled )
Hao : What gyuvin ? ( smiled )
Gyuvin : Even thought we met yesterday . I felt the love from you for us . Hanbin hyung sohyun noona and me . I felt you like my older brother ( smiled )
Hao : I felt the same . Three of you got closer to me . Even though yujin threat you badly don't think about him bad . He isn't used to trust peoples easily also xiaolian she will get used to you as she already got close to sohyun .
Gyuvin : Really . I hope yujin isn't hating me . ( sad )
Hao : Don't worry . He isn't . You know gyuvin ?
Gyuvin : What hao hyung ? ( smiled )
Hao : Yesterday night . Xiaolian and yujin talked about the three of you with me . About yujin he said he doesn't like skinships but for once he let you have skinships with him and xiaolian told me she feltthe older brother love from you and hanbin .
Gyuvin : Really . So yujin didn't let others have skinships with him and I'm the first person he let ( shocked )
Hao : Yes . At first I was shocked too .
Gyuvin : Maybe he isn't bad either and today i lost my patience with him . I'll make up to him today .( smiled )
Hao : You better or you won't get to sleep in his room ( smiled )
Gyuvin : Okay . ( sniled )
Hao : Okay now let's go ( getting up )

They went from there and hao got a notification from his dad telling him about the shop location .So they went to the shop following the location and after walking fir minutes they finally camed to a shop looking too expensive . ( a/n: You heard me right very expensive . VERY EXPENSIVE !!! )
and they went inside the shop to get greeted by the shops staffs and manager came to them

Manager : What bring you here sir ( bowed )
Hao : We need outfits for the wedding ceremony . Do you have it ? ( smiled )
Manager : Yes sir . This section actually your father already told me what kind of style the outfits have . So I got every outfits ready with the style you want. ( smiled )
Hao : Thank you. Can you show my brother the outfits inhis size and help him choose his outfit ( smiled )
Manager : I'll sir . Gyuvin sir come this way . ( showing the place )
Hao : Gyuvin go with him and choose the outfit you want okay !! ( smiled )
Gyuvin : Okay hyung .( smiled )

After that gyuvin folloed the manager to the section and they started to try the outfits and after an hour of finding the perfect outfit they found one .So they came to the register and started to pay for the clothes . And then both of them got out from the shop and walked through the mall to find a cafeteria to eat . And they found a one and went inside to get foods they want and they came out getting everything they wanted . While walking for few minutes they meet up with the everyone . So they went towards them .

Continue ~ ....................................................

𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 - 𝘎𝘺𝘶𝘫𝘪𝘯 , 𝘏𝘢𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯 Where stories live. Discover now