Chapter 3

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Madhuri aunt and cousin went back her mom is preparing dinner.

Madhuri is sitting on the couch watching tv.The door opens, and her father enters, carrying his briefcase.

Madhuri jumps up from the couch and rushes to greet her father. She takes her father's briefcase and sets it aside, then leads him to the couch. Rushes to the kitchen, returning with a glass of water for her father.

Madhuri: Here, Papa. I got you some water. You must be tired,  hands her father the glass of water.

How was your day? Asked madhuri sitting beside her father

It was good, beta. Long but good. Smiling her father replied

And they chat about their day, enjoying each other's company in the comfort of their home. Later her mother too joined.

After having dinner her parents told her they want to talk to her about something

Madhuri sits on the couch, her parents, across from her. There's an air of tension in the room.

Madhuri, I know this might seem sudden, but you can tell us anything, okay? Told her mom

Madhuri nods, sensing the seriousness in her parents' tone.

Her Dad continued Do you love anyone?Madhuri's heart skips a beat. She wasn't prepared for this question.

Madhuri's eyes widen in surprise. She hesitates for a moment, then gathers her courage.

Madhuri (uncertainly) Um, why are you suddenly asking me this? Her dad exchanges a glance with his wife, his expression serious Madhuri, it's important. Just answer the question, please.

Although madhuri loves shiv it's one sided love from her side she never expressed it to him so says she don't love anyone to her parents

Ok replied her parents

I know we asked something like this out of nowhere you got marriage proposal from one your aunt relatives. As you know Your aunt nature she already said to them to come and see you without asking asking today she came and told uss if you love someone if will tell them not to come"

I am suprised listening to them "what"

"Yes bangaram i know it's sudden and not ready but we can give proposal a chance"

"Who are they" asked madhuri tensed

"In cousin marriage we have seen a police officer na it's them His name is Shiv"

Madhuri's eyes widen even further, disbelief written all over her face. Madhuri's mind whirls with a mix of emotions - surprise, confusion, and happiness that her love sending proposal to her for marriage

There no force from our side after meeting and talking to them if you like it then only we will proceed told her father nodding at her father madhuri went to her room shyly

Madhuri enters her room, her heart pounding with anticipation. She can hardly contain her excitement knowing that her love is coming to see her for marriage. A shy smile tugs at her lips as she closes the door behind her.

She sits on her bed, her mind filled with dreams of a future with her love. The thought of spending her life with him fills her with a warmth that she can't quite explain.

Madhuri lying down, gazing at the ceiling With a contented sigh, Madhuri allows herself to drift off to sleep, her heart full of happiness and anticipation for the day ahead


Shiv hesitates, knowing that his mother's mind is made up, and he has no other option but to agree, despite his own reservations.

sighing, resigned Alright, Mom. If that's what you think is best, then I'll go along with it.His mother nods approvingly, satisfied that her son has acquiesced to her decision.

The girl we're seeing is from Hyderabad. I need you to book a flight for tomorrow morning. Told his Dad

Shiv's eyes widen in surprise at the suddenness of the request "what it's so sudden mom"

"No sudden nothing just book the flight" saying his mom went to kitchen

Bewildered He reaches for his phone, ready to make the necessary arrangements as his dad watches on.

Mom, I've booked the flight to Hyderabad for tomorrow morning at 9 AM also booked return flight at night.His mother's eyes light up with satisfaction

I'll be heading back to my place now. I'll see you in the morning will directly join you in airport

"Stay here for today"

"No dad there is small work in station so will do that and come to airport going from here will be long" relied shiv to his father

"Ok go after dinner then" asked his mom

"No mom it will be late" replid shiv nodding his mother said ok

With a final nod, Shiv bids his mother farewell and exits the house, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the journey ahead and the uncertain future that awaits him in Hyderabad.

Shiv lives separately as the distance from his parents house to station is long. So he brought a single bedroom house for rent near and lives there

Shiv steps through the front door of his house, the weight of the upcoming events heavy on his mind. He closes the door behind him and sighs, feeling the quiet of his own space enveloping him.

As he settles into his surroundings, his phone buzzes with a notification. Curious, he pulls it out and sees a message from his mother on WhatsApp he taps on the message to open it. The message contains a photo attachment, and Shiv's heart skips a beat as he realizes it's a picture of the prospective bride. he taps on the photo to enlarge it, his eyes scanning the image intently. He recognized her seeing her in swathi wedding he didn't even know her name.

The girl in the photo smiles warmly, her eyes shining with kindness. Shiv's breath catches in his throat as he takes in her features, feeling a flutter of nerves and excitement stirring within him.For a moment, he allows himself to imagine what his future might hold with this woman by his side. Then, with a deep breath, he tucks his phone away and prepares to face the reality of the situation, knowing that tomorrow will bring new challenges and possibilities.

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Shiv house👇

Shiv house👇

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