fear and loathing

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"Good morning, Prentiss" Lola says walking over to the brunette who's attempting to make herself coffee "Have a good weekend?" she asks

"Yeah. No. Yes" Emily answers

"Mhm, you spilled a little something" Lola says pointing to the spilled coffee on the counter

"Yeah, thanks. I can see that" Emily replies as she cleans up her mess

"So, your weekend. Did you decide whether it was good or not?" Lola teases

"No, it wasn't... Ugh...I don't want to get into it" Emily answers

"No problem" Lola says making herself a cup of coffee

"It just feels weird for me to talk about my personal life here" Emily adds "You know? I don't really know you guys all that well yet"

"I totally get that" Lola shrugs walking off

Emily follows her "I think I totally screwed up this date" she blurts out

Lola smiles "Okay. What happened?" she asks

"You have to understand. I'm a nerd" Emily clarifies

"Really?" Lola pretends to be surprised

Emily nods "Like, seriously. And I can fool people for days, weeks even. But sooner or later I blow my cover and I say something so geeky and then they don't respond and I lose all confidence"

"What did you say?" Lola asks

"Kilgore Trout" Emily replies

"Your date has a problem with Kurt Vonnegut?" Lola questions

"You know Kilgore Trout?" Emily asks in excitement

"I read Slaughterhouse-Five when I was 12 and it blew my mind. Seriously, I couldn't get enough so I just kept going and I read them all" Lola replies

"Yeah, yeah, me, too" Emily says excitedly "What's your favorite?" she asks eagerly

"Oh, Mother Night" Lola replies

"The one about the American spy" Emily says

"Who pretends to be a Nazi" Lola adds

"You are who you pretend to be..." Emily begins to quote

"So be careful who you pretend to be." Lola finishes

"Oh, my God! I can't believe you're a Vonnegut fan!" Emily exclaims "You just made my day"

Lola shrugs "Anytime" she says taking a sip of her drink "Oh and that whole nerd thing, it's not that hard to tell"

"It's not?" Emily questions

"I could tell" Lola replies

Emily smiles "You could?"

"Yeah" Lola grins "Nerd" she teases

"Hey, I thought we were bonding" Emily replies

Lola chuckles

"Conference room in five minutes, please?" Hotch interrupts

"Got it" Lola replies watching the man walk off "Speaking of us bonding, I recall owning you a drink or two"

"Mhm" Emily nods "Yes, yes you do"

"How about after we solve the next case, you and I head out for some drinks?" Lola suggest

"Sounds like a date" Emily replies with a smile

"Trust me Prentiss, this one will be much better than your last" Lola promises

"I don't doubt that" Emily replies

Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Emily PrentissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ