lessons learned

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Lola and Derek are following Hotch into the conference room where Garcia is sat around the table, the rest across from her occupied by what Lola assumed was a new team member

Her assumption was shortly confirmed when Hotch said "Everybody, meet agent Prentiss?" he asks more than states

"The other day. I've been filling her in on protocol" JJ replies

"Derek Morgan" the confident man introduced sticking his hand out for the newest member to shake

The brunette stands up and shakes his hand "Emily Prentiss" she introduces with a smile, as she turns toward Lola expecting an introduction Hotch interrupts

"We can make nice later." he says taking a seat, Lola sitting down next to him "What do we know?" he asks JJ as Gideon and Reid also join the team

"The DEA raided what they thought was a hardened meth lab right here, in Northern Virginia, but they found this instead" she says putting up an image

"That could be a dispersal device for a chemical weapon. It's Sophisticated" Derek says

"Homeland security's thinking Al Qaeda" JJ replies

"They've developed devices that span the spectrum of sophistication, some as simple as soda bottles and paint cans" Reid informs

"They're called al ikhteraa" Emily speaks making Lola turn her attention to the brunette, watching her every move carefully "Literally "the invention"

"That they are" Reid nods, impressed

"Do we know what the biological or chemical agent is yet?" Lola asks diverting her gaze back to JJ expecting her to answer

"No, not yet" Derek replies

"The cell members bailed out through a tunnel. The DEA recovered a nextel 2-way and managed to intercept a message" JJ says placing a piece of paper infront of Emily who picks it up "That's not the transcript...it's" JJ says

"...No, it's in arabic" Emily says beginning to translate "Our friends surprised us and eloped. We can no longer wait for the wedding as planned. We can deliver our gift at the next crescent" she reads as she tucks a lose strand of hair behind her ear before realising everyone is looking at her "I lived in several middle-eastern countries growing up" she says awkwardly

"Next crescent?" Gideon questions the brunette

"Muslims sometimes use a lunar calendar. I'd have to look it up..." Emily is cut off by Garcia

"Next crescent moon is in two days" the blonde says

"So whatever they're attacking, it's happening in less than 48 hours" Gideon confirms

"That sounds like it, sir" Emily replies

"Payment for the nextel is linked to this man" JJ says putting up an image of a man "Jind Allah"

"Literally "soldier of God" Emily says

"That's pretty poor operational security for a sophisticated plot" Derek points out

"Two months ago, Jind Allah was captured leaving the U. S. Using a forged pakistani passport via Richmond international airport. He's been held as a ghost detainee in Guantanamo Bay ever since" JJ informs

Let Me Love You Like A Woman, Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now