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(Zhen takes li and ping to the criminal basement)
Li:where are we exactly?
Zhen:at the criminals dungeon they will be a good army
Zhen:keep quiet they will be angry
(Mentor comes)
Mentor: why are you return zhen?
Zhen:remember the panda who came with me? he needs your help
Zhen:bec,he promises to have more violence
(Mentor his eyes get wide)
Mentor:is that time?
(He shouts to the criminals)
Mentor:criminals the time is now for more violence
The rabbits:violence!violence!
Mentor:what should we do?
Zhen:to distract the soldiers
Mentor:distract or kill?
Zhen:uhh anything you want
Mentor:ok guys let's ready
(At another chameleon's dungeon)
(Po is trying to find you until find your cage and he found you)
Po:y/n! Y/n!are you ok!y/n!
(You wake up)
Y/n:po!po!is that really you or I am also died?
Po:no you are fine that's me
Y/n:I can't believe you are alive?
Po:just let me get you out from here
(Po let you out)
Y/n:ugh (you fall)
(But po catch before you hit the ground)
Po:y/n what happened?
Y/n:she took my power
Po:she will pay for this
The chameleon:I don't think so I think you are the one who pay
Po;let's see about that
Y/n:po(you hold his hand)
Po:everything will be fine just stay here don't move
(You nods)
The chameleon:how a lovely birds you are trying to save her where were you when she got attacked
(Po upset from himself)
Y/n:don't listen to her keep fighting
Po:don't ever say her name (they start fighting and y/n watching in horror)
(At the same time)
(Li and ping and zhen sneaking to the soldiers with the criminal of army)

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