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At night
(Zhen grabs some blankets)
Zhen:take this guys
Po:woah zhen where did you get it?
Zhen:from my mentor he gave to me
Y/n:THX zhen and thank him too!
Zhen:that's fine,it's nothing
(Zhen start to leave)
Po:where you are going?you should sleep
Zhen:nah don't worry I will going to my old room to sleep in it I will just leave you guys for some privacy
Po:THXzhen I appreciate that you are a good friend
Zhen:sleep well guys you need rest
(You smile at zhen and she winks at you then she left )
Po:as you hear babe sleep well
(You nods po kiss your forehead and go to sleep you two)
(After a while)
(You have a nightmare)
(That you are in the chameleon palace and you are trying to find po bec you and him split up in two ways when you enter the dungeon po is there you run to him and hugs him)
Y/n:po where have you been?I have been looking for you everywhere
(Po hugs you)
Po:it's fine y/n I am here (his voice into evil one)I am here
(Po changed into chameleon figure)(you fall)
The chameleon:hahs(evil laugh)you fool he is dead ofc
Y/n:no you are lying
(At this time)(po appear from the window)
Po:leave her alone
The chameleon:you stinky panda (she runs at him)
Y/n:po move!
(The chameleon push po and he falls from the window)
(End nightmare)(return back to real life)
(You still sleeping and said po name several times)(po wakes up)
(Po runs at you)
Po:babe babe (he shakes you)babe y/n wake up (he counties shaking you until you opens your eyes)
Po:yeah that's me you scared me(he hugs you,you start crying )
(He us trying to calm you down he is hushing you)
Po:hush hush it's ok the nightmare is over you are with me now
(You start to calm down)
Po:do you wanna to talk about it?
(You continue your silence)
Po:if you wanna?(you sighed)
Y/n:you died the chameleon killed you I wasn't there to protect you I am pathetic
(Po watching you with soft eyes)
Po: no you aren't pathetic
(You turned your head to him)
Y/n:do you really wanna continue this mission?it's very dangerous
Po:don't worry that's not gonna happen I am the dragon worrior remember!
Y/n:stop repeating this stupid title(you look at him)I am sorry i am just stress I just feel that dragon worrior thingy take you from me and i can't handle to be alone again
(Po hugs you so tight to let you feel safe)
Po:you aren't alone and you won't I will always be here for you no matter what will happen
Y/n:you promise?
Po:yeah promise
(You left the hug)
Y/n:so go to sleep dragon worrior (you rolling your eyes)
(Po and you start sleeping again,suddenly po hugs you from back)
Po:I love you(you hug him by your hand)
Y/n:I love you too!
(And you two fall asleep again)

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