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(The next day at the ceremony)
(Master shifu y/n and po)(are watching the new kung fu worriors)
(After the show)
Master shifu:the dragon worrior will choose the new dragon worrior
Po:let's see let's point with my finger (he pretend that his finger choose him again)oh look the ancestors choose me again
(Theyball cheers up the new worriors crying y/n and master shifu statre at him with confused look)
Po:ok let's begin the party
(Po leave the party)
Y/n:(look at the master shifu)I will go after him
(You are trying to find po you notice he set on the floor,you climb to him)
Po:why you come up here?(he notice your precense without turning his head)
Y/n:to check on you!
Po:you check on me so go away now
Y/n:why you are talking like that to me I care about you
Po:I said go away I need to be alone (he push you with his arm you lost your balance suddenly slipt on the edge of the floor you are trying to hold on you are screaming)
Po:y/n! Hold on
(He holds you so tight to not cause you to fall)
Po:grab my hands (you hold his hands and lifting you up)
Y/n:gasp gasp
Po:are you ok?
(You nods)(then he hugs you)
Po:I am sorry I didn't mean to I let my anger controlling me
(You pat his back)
Y/n:it's ok I am fine now zo what's worrying you ?
Po:about the dragon worrior thingy, I don't like to leave that title
Y/n:I know but you will approve and be in better title you will be the wisdom guy that everyone will looking for you to take one advice
Po:sigh but I love the action moves and kick everyone I like that vibes
Y/n:listen po
(Po staring at something else he notice a stranger sneaking into the palace)
Y/n:po do you hear me po!
Po:sorry y/n , but I saw something I have to go love you bye
Y/n:sigh everytime why I choose to love a worrior

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