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(You 3 enter restaurant)
Zhen:hello guys(he sets with guys)can I play with you
One of the guys:why?
Zhen:bec I like playing,is that mahjong right?
(They nods them she sets and play with them)
(Po turns his head atxyou)
Po:stay close to me,and no trouble (you nods)
Zhen:Haha I win
One of the guys:how ofc you cheat!
Zhen:no I just had experience with that game
(She takes all the money and ordered food)
Po:oh food
(You ans po set next to her)
(Po before eating)
Po:you pay for that?
(Zhen nods and continue eating)
(You whisper to po)
Y/n:I don't trust her but who cares now I am hungry
(You and po start eating)(then po tap on zhen with bus arm)
Po:this food are so delicious
(Suddenly the mahjong game fall from zhen's tail)(they all stare at her)
The lady:the mahjong let's catch them
(Zhen push po and you)
Zhen:ok let's go bye guys
Po:why there are angry we paid for that (look at zhen)right?
The lady:give me back what you steal!
Zhen:ok come and get it
Po:none don't come and get it
Y/n:I told you
(The fight begin)
Po:not now y/n come and help me
(You join the fight)(until he pull you and zhen behind him he raised the oogway staff then he points at them)
(All the customers hit on the wall)
Po:let's go let's go
(He push you and zhen out of the restaurant)

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