~Childhood II~

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~note For whoever thought that would be the only childhood sorry I wanted to add an one but forgot I may have very little idea what to write I will most likely make a remake in a few years but not right now

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For whoever thought that would be the only childhood sorry I wanted to add an one but forgot I may have very little idea what to write I will most likely make a remake in a few years but not right now.
Goodluck to survive the cringe!
~end of note

Izuku woke up in her room? With a massive headache 'huh she thought mom must have gotten worried and looked for me... She's gonna ask questions...' she thinks annoyed looking at the clock beside her bed it's still pretty late 3AM...
She went to the kitchen and pours herself a cup of water then   slowly walking back to her bedroom making sure to not wake her mom up then lays down in bed slowly falling asleep



She doesn't know where she is all she sees is two women... Mostlikely sisters they look alot like each other but one is holding the other one tightly soft cries being heard by the one with darker purple hair they're hair seems alike but she doesn't think much ot it.
She suddenly wants to ask a question, soon after realizing she couldn't speak


She's back in her bedroom, breathing heavily,she looks back at the clock only 10 minutes had pasted soon she realizes she's crying,what was that?

Short and cringy again I'm so sorry
~end of note

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