Chapter 19-school starts

Start from the beginning

I came back to reality when people started to look me wird as they passed by. I looked back to the people as they whispered and pointed.thats when i realized, a liquid was running down my face like a waterfall. I was crying, out in the streets. Which i never done before. I sighed and kept walking school.

I looked up to the sky as i saw the school get bigger as i walked towards it. I would always look back and admire how tiny it could be in the distance and how it always reminded me of dolls. How i always wanted to take a person in their size.

I ran in the streets as the people honked on their cars. After i reached the other street, i turned around and simply apoligized to them. I turned back around facing the school, but i couldnt see the school. Someone was blocking it, with their chest? It was a black shirt but i couldnt quite see where the body was facing.

I looked up to see the guy i didnt want to see at all. You know who! Kirigaya kazuto! I tired to walk back since i was too close to him, but he grabbed my wrist. With a glare that could scare anyone with one glance. He threw you back into his side as the cars ran by.

"Hey, be careful there, you almost got killed there. And never run in the street when its the car's turn to go." He said as he laid his chin on my head. "If you were gone, then i'd have no one left."

That was where i had it up to here. I turned us around so i could be on the side walk and pushed him away, making him almost fall on the streets. When he got his balance back, he crouched and sighed.

"Kirgaya! What has gotten into you?! Fist you hate my guts! And now you dont want me to leave your side?! What am i to you?! A toy where you experiment the emotions with different words?!" I yelled forming a fist in hands. "You think i would go running back to you because of small words that have no feeling to it?! No! Im not falling for that!"

I tried to turn around and leave him wkth that but he grabbed my wrist once again and threw me onto his chest. I struggled to get out but he only squeezed harder. There was no way i could get out now.

I sighed and let go. I couldnt just run away if he would always find me. "(Y/n) if you left me, i would have no one. If you dont want to forgive me then thats fine. I understand that but let me hug you one last time."

I sighed once again as i waited until he let go of me. Many minutes passed or it felt like it, and he wouldnt let me go. Droplets of water was landing on my hair. That was odd, i was never told that it was going to rain today.

"Hey, it looks like it's raining, you should go inside before you and i get soaked." I said as i tried to walk in school in the same position. Kirirgaya wouldnt want to move. He stood there hugging me.

"Its not raining." He said. Then it came to me. If it wasnt raining then that means.... hes crying. I brought some space between us as i tried to dry all the tears with me thumb but more would run down his face.

"Hey, dont cry, im not going to leave you ok?" I said. He planted his face on my shoulder as he sobbed harder. I rubbed his back with my whole hand trying to calm him down.

"Thank you....thank you so much." He reluctantly said as his face was off of my shoulder at last.

"Geez, we are going to be late for class, come on!" I dried all of the tears with my sleeve as i took his hand and ran to the school. I then noticed that everyone was looking at me. They saw the scene, and me holding his hand. But it didnt matter, i know that kirigaya and i are friends, and we will stay as friends.

As i entered the school, i saw so many familiar faces! But i didnt get to know them. That was when i saw her! Lisbeth!!!! (My name in an anime ::3:3:3:3:3:3:3 IM SO FREKEN HAPPY!) I ran to her and gave her a huge hug.


"Oh its you (y/n), I thought i was a random stranger!" She sighed in relief.

"Oh well, i guess i wasnt missed after all." I said as i let go and walked away slowly. Yet she didnt say another word but deckded tl talk to kirigaya and another girl with brown hair and two pig tails.

~sorry im lazy.. time skip, school is over blahhshahha~

I ran out of school happy that i would get home and sleep al day! With no distraction or anything, at all! Ayayayaya! I was very tired and i wanted to rest for a while.

I finally got into my house. I looked over to the flowers over to left to find that my blue rose was taken by some stranger. I sighed. (Tooo much sighing!) I looked at my door and then to my window. It was different from this morning, the colors ha changed. I dug into my bag and took out my keys. I picked out my house door key and unlocked the door.

I stepped in and walked int my room. No one was in the living room or in the kitchen so i was home alone. I ran uo the stairs and walked into my room. I walked to my new desk that was placed into the window and threw all of my assignments down. I got out my pen and sarted with my homework.

A paperplane was thrown into my room and landed on my desk. I looked outside to see kirigaya in the window. I rolled my eyes as i opened the paper and read the note.


I got out of my chair and loked to find my stack of papers. After i tooka couple of sheets lut on my desk, i started to write.

Wow, is that all you can come u with? "Hi"? Is there something you wanted to tell me?

I folded it it gently and threw the plzne out te window with all of my strength. Thankfully it flew in and hit him hard on the forehead. He took the plane and read what you wrote. He looked at you and then got another sheet of paper. He wflte something short and folded it. He threw it throjgh my window as i caught it.

Nah, i just really wanted to talk to you. So what you up to?

I took another sheet of paper and wrote on it. I folded tbe next one and threw the plame softer than before. He caught it and unfolded it.

What does it look like im doing? Im doing homework and you should be doing homework too!

He slumped on his hand and wrote on the same paper. The folded it once again trying not to make new folds and threw it too me. I caught and and unfolded my old paper.

Alright mom, ttyl then!

"HEY KIRIGAYA!" I familiar voice yelled from the lther room. Ughh my sister! I thought as i laid my head on the table. He waved and then closed the cutains as fast as he could and close it window with it. "HEY WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!"

I chuckled and closed the window and the curtains too. "HEY YOU TOO (Y/N)?!" She yelled from the other side. "YES! AND I LOVE YOU TOOOOO!" I yelled as i started doing my homwork.

Finally kirito x reader coming on, though he is still changing.

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