Chapter 4

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I crouched low to the ground as I stalked my prey.

My noise twitched as I took in a breath of the rabbits scent.

As I stalked the rabbit, it's ears swiveled as it listened for predators, it's natural instinct not letting it's guard down.

I moved closer to the rabbit, my large paws laying gently on the ground underneath.

The rabbit continued to eat as it looked around, weary of the nature around it.

I crouched low, coiling my muscles, ready to spring at any moment.

Giving a deep inhale, I pounced.

The rabbit looked up in fright and was about to hop off with one big leap.

Before it could escape, I clamped my jaw around the body of the rabbit, my teeth ripping through the fur, skin, and muscle.

Letting a small squeak, the rabbit frantically moved it's legs before eventually falling limp in my teeth.

My large heart pumped with adrenaline

With the taste of blood in my mouth and the rabbit between my jaws, I carried my prey through the forest floor.

Listening for the running of the stream, I located it before following it deeper into the forest.

I trotted as I listened to the calm running of the water. Lifting my head up, I could see the opening of my cave and made my way to the front.

Flopping onto the cool ground of the cave, I set my rabbit down and began tearing the skin off of the body.

Chewing through the muscle and bone, I heard the soft rustle of the trees as the wind got stronger.

The sun was starting to set as I finished my meal, the air getting chillier.

With the only thing left being the fur and small bones of the rabbit, I licked the blood off the ground, still hungry.

The small rabbit wasn't enough for the size of my body. I was significantly bigger than the average tiger and I roamed around constantly, never really settling.

I need something more than just a rabbit. I needed something bigger.

Getting up, I picked up the fur and small bones before dropping it in the grass outside of the cave.

Walking out, I looked around. It had finally turned dark outside and my vision quickly adjusted to the darkness almost like night vision.

Slowly running across the forest, my keen ears heard for any movement as I sniffed around.

Yesterday, I had went into the town that was surrounded by the forest.

Ringlewood I think?

As it was getting colder, the prey has been coming out less and less.

I had been in this part of the woods for 2 months now. I had traveled from one corner of America to the other corner, both in human form and on my 4 paws.

So far, this forest has been pretty abundant. It was probably the biggest forest I had ever been in so far. I still hadn't reached the end of it the entire 2 months I'd been here.

But the cold wasn't doing me any favors. Like I said, animals weren't really coming out and Friday was my first time ever into town

My trip into the small little town had been fruitless though. Unsurprisingly, I had forgotten that as a human, you need a little thing called money to actually purchase the food to buy.

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