AnotherWorld: ORIGINAL

Start from the beginning

• Fast regeneration is the main point of immortality, once the wound is exposed, it will heal immediately. And so does when the body receives a virus or harmful bacteria, their antibodies will increase and eliminate the pathogen.

• Their age ranged from 1,000 to 10,000

• Once they were bestowed their immortality, they never aged. They will remain as they look like on the day they get their powers.

•Immortals can teleport anywhere based on how far they are trained, by distance.

Types of immortal:

• Creators: Very rare immortal. Only 5 out of 100 of chance. It is rumored that when a previous immortal finally dies, a new immortal will be reborn. Due to this, they were less populated as society assumed, making them special. (The rumours are quite fake.)

• Sages: Also known as Scholar Immortals. They are usually involved in politics and administration of the Eternal Afiat. Their population is rarest as creators. Most of the sages will be CEO's. They have intelligent-related abilities, meaning they are very wise.

• Sorcerers: Highest populated. 60 out of 80 of chance. Most immortals in the immortal society are sorcerers. Wizard and Witches are their nicknames. They will use spells to protect most mortals and they were needed the most.

• Physic mages: Average, not too populated or less. (Telekinesis, mind readers, immense strength, precise aim.)

• Elemental mages: Rarest yet populated. 5 out of 10. Most of them can have the same element. (Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind)

• Healers: Their population was almost the same as Sorcerers. Healers can be found everywhere as they can effectively cure corrupted energies.

High rankings and Low rankings:

 • The high-ranking immortal will be classed if the immortal has two or more abilities or powers they wield. Also, they would be in the highest rank if their ability were unique and one of a kind.

• Examples of unique immortals
( Creators, Sages,)

• Examples of two powers/abilities: ( Creator & Pyrokinesis, Sorcerer and Super Strength). Meaning they also have two categories in one body.

• The low-ranking were the immortals who were bestowed simple powers or abilities. (Mostly Healers and Mages)

(- Due to this, most of the low-ranking will be only an assistant to the high-ranking immortals if they were on duty.)


Tradition and culture of the immortals:

• One tradition that will connect all the immortals is the battle at the arena. Whereas they will gather the highest-ranking immortal to put a bet on and fight for fun.

• Creators are at the top of the hierarchy, meaning they will be respected no matter what. Came alone with Sages (scholars immortal) on the second, Sorcerers on the third, Physic Mage, and Elemental Mage on the fourth and fifth.

• Creators are respected in fame while Sages by their wisdom.

• Healers tend to be looked down on by others due to how basic they are.

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