Chapter 58

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A/N: A double update for a double number 1! Thanks for reading please leave comments and don't forget to vote so I could be inspired to update more hehehe

"I know this is too messed up, I messed it up, my love."

Again whispered arguments in their room is present.

"How can't we just have a normal marriage life?" Minho sighs. "I cannot understand why we are given another chance to meet again and this shit happens."

"I can leave now with you and Louis here-" Azure tries to persuade Minho.

"We cannot leave-" Minho reasons out.

"We can ride on Zryan-" Azure cuts Minho off.

"Do you hear yourself?, Your the duke now and it will cause more suspicion if you order Zryan around." Minho cuts him off entirely.

"I apologize... look please, I just got you back and then many things occurred..." Azure sighs taking a sit beside Minho on the bed.

Minho runs a hand on her hair as she then says. "We cannot leave this place unless you go back on your own body back and get things done but I miss you too and I think you should also help me out. Once and for all to end this crazy stuff going on you must kill off the woman in your dreams who had killed us all. Have you remembered what you told me on that dream of yours?"

Azure slowly nods his head as their eyes meet.

"Some...say...let's say a divine individual told me to get things done once I had taken over this body... not too long ago." She explains.

"I wasn't able to see the face..." Azure mentions.

Minho sighs. "Do you got any ideas of anyone who has potentially hated the royals of this Empire-"

Azure chuckles. "My love have you forgotten, everyone is a threat in this world for our powerful Empire."

Minho sighs again. "Your right."

Leonardo pets Fehér's head as another dragon snuggled closer to him. Leonardo chuckles and gently patted Zryan's snout.

Yohan chuckles beside him as the other children does.

Yohan then stated. "Seems you every dragon you meet adores you, young lord."

Leonardo shyly smiles.

Just then Marcus walks in the field and approaches Leonardo.

Leonardo stands up from the green grass as the other children also does bow their heads in respect for the general.

Marcus bows back to him as he stands back up straight and gave a smile to their distant young relatives and tells them that he needs to speak with Leonardo in private.

The children left them in a hurry. The field filled with varieties of dragons in size and color lying on the ground some taking their naps as others observed the two's interaction.

Marcus gestures for Leonardo to take a sit on the green grass before he does. Leonardo hesitantly does it and then asks as Marcus took a sit beside him. "I don't know why your here to talk to me, General."

"Everyone in the temple have witness of the young lord's father, the northern duke was blessed by our god and Imperial uncle has seen it as well. I had swear my alliance to the one who is given the power of the crown. The reason I am here to have this talk with you. Is to inform you that you and your family will be under my protection from now on." Marcus informs Leonardo.

Leonardo furrowed his brows but nodded nonetheless. "I understand... however you also should still protect his Majesty Azure."

Marcus gave Leonardo a smile. "Worry not his Majesty is safe... no harm may ever be inflicted to him. Young lord you should be worried about your family instead." Marcus sighs. "The northern duke indeed does have the blood of the previous Emperor ancestors friend yet he does not have Drukurian blood on his viens... our family has great pride in our bloodline. It'll be hard for them to accept this new circumstances."

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