Start from the beginning

"I wish you happiness too, Ethan," Ava said with heartfelt sincerity. She harbored a deep hope for him to find peace and release from the pain that had engulfed them both. Despite the hurt, her wish for his well-being was genuine, for he had once been her entire world.

As they reached the front door, stepping out into the open, Ethan's gaze fell on Fred, waiting in his car for Ava. Ethan's farewell gesture was a silent acknowledgment of everything that had transpired. As he watched Ava step into Fred's car, a complex mix of emotions played across his features. The brief exchange of looks between him and Fred carried the weight of understanding, acceptance, and a silent promise to take care of Ava.

As the car pulled away, Ava, overwhelmed by the gravity of the moment, found herself unable to hold back her tears. It was a cathartic release, a mixture of sorrow for what was and relief for what would be. Her sobs filled the car, not out of regret for her decision or a lingering desire to be with Ethan, but from acknowledging the finality of closing a significant chapter in her life.

Fred drove in silence, offering her the space to grieve and heal. He understood that this moment wasn't about him or their future together but about Ava coming to terms with her past. The pain of saying goodbye to a significant part of her life was palpable, and he respected her need to process it. His presence, steady and silent, was a comforting assurance that she wasn't alone in her journey forward. 

During a warm and cozy evening, Ava gathered her family in the living room, her nerves tingling with excitement and a bit of apprehension. Her parents and Nate were present, creating a buzz of conversation and laughter that filled the space.

Ava cleared her throat, drawing attention. "So, I have something I want to share with you all," she began, her voice steady but her hands slightly trembling.

Fred, standing beside her, gave her a reassuring smile, his hand finding hers and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm dating Fred," Ava announced, her cheeks flushing with a mix of joy and nervousness. A chorus of delighted exclamations filled the room, along with hearty applause.

Nate's voice cut through the celebration, laced with mischief. "Finally! I thought I'd have to lock you two in a room to get you to admit it." His comment drew laughter from everyone.

"Actually," Nate continued, turning to Fred with a grin that was too wide to mean anything good. "I remember a certain drunken confession Ava made about her feelings for Fred back in senior year. Fred, care to enlighten us on how you handled that?"

Fred's face turned a shade redder, matching Ava's. "Ah, well, let's just say I wasn't the most... receptive at the time," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Ava buried her face in her hands, mortified but laughing. "Nate! I can't believe you remembered that. I was hoping it was forgotten."

Her mother chimed in, her voice warm and amused. "It seems like it all worked out in the end, though. We couldn't be happier for you two."

Ava's father nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Fred, you've been like part of the family for so long. It's wonderful to see you two together like this."

The room filled with a renewed wave of chatter and laughter, the atmosphere light and full of love. Ava and Fred exchanged glances, their embarrassment fading as they realized the depth of support and happiness surrounding them.

Nate, not quite done teasing, added, "Just think, if Fred had said yes back then, we could have been doing this years ago!"

Fred shot Nate a playful glare, but it was clear he was too content to let the teasing bother him. "I guess some things are worth the wait," he responded, his gaze softening as he looked at Ava.

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