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Fred had been in Canada for a week, immersing himself in work to distract from the ache in his heart. Time outside the office was scarce; work was his solace from the emotional turmoil. Upon his arrival, his father entrusted him with a monumental task: to lead the planning and design of a skyscraper hotel in Vancouver, a project that demanded his attention day and night.

On one particular evening, long after the office had emptied, Fred found solace in the quiet, his concentration unwavering as he poured over the floor plans. The soft glow of the desk lamp accentuated his features, casting light on his white dress shirt and navy suit pants that hugged his frame in all the right places. His hair, a disheveled yet deliberate mess, added a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise polished appearance. He was the epitome of dedication, his hands moving with precision across the paper before him.

His intense focus shattered at the sound of his phone ringing. Irritation flickered across his features; interruptions during his work were unwelcome. "Who the hell is calling me at this time?" he grumbled, eyeing the clock which proclaimed it was already midnight. With a forceful motion, he snatched the phone from beside his drawing board.

Prepared to unleash his frustration on the caller, his demeanor softened instantly upon seeing the caller ID - Avaline. The annoyance gave way to a surge of affection and anticipation. "Hey, Avaline. What's up? How's everything going?" he greeted, his voice carrying a warmth reserved only for her.

Silence met his inquiry, amplifying his concern. "Avaline, are you there?" His worry deepened with her continued silence. "Is everything okay? Avaline, please talk to me. I'll listen," he urged gently.

"Hi Fre...derick," came her hesitant reply.

Joy mixed with concern at her voice. "I'm here. Is everything okay?" Fred prodded softly.

"Did I disturb you? I'm sorry, I... know it's late..." Avaline's voice trembled.

"No, you didn't. I was just working, but I'm never too busy for you. What's going on?" he assured, his intuition sensing her distress.

A pause lingered before Avaline sighed. "I...I just wanted to check up on you. It's been weird not having you around," she admitted with a soft chuckle.

Fred eagerly shared details about his current project, injecting humor into the narrative. "And then, believe it or not, I almost presented the floor plans upside down to the team," he laughed, his voice light and carefree. Avaline's laughter echoed in response, a sound that filled Fred with a fleeting sense of joy.

"So, how about you? How's the wedding planning going?" Fred asked, his tone shifting from amusement to genuine curiosity.

There was a noticeable pause on Avaline's end, a silence that spoke volumes. "Oh, the wedding," she started, her voice a mixture of cheer and hesitation. "Everything's pretty much set. We're just counting down the days now."

Fred could hear the unspoken words in her voice, the subtle shift in her tone that suggested she wanted to say more. "You sound a bit off. Is there anything else on your mind?" he probed gently, giving her an opening to share what was truly bothering her.

Avaline seemed to grapple with her thoughts before speaking. "No, it's nothing really. I just... I've been thinking a lot lately. About changes, life... You know how it is." Her voice trailed off, leaving an open space filled with things unsaid.

He could sense the hesitance, the unspoken words she was dancing around. "Avaline, you know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here for you, no matter what it is," Fred reassured, his voice soft yet firm, a testament to his unwavering support.

There was a deep sigh from Avaline, a sound of someone carrying more than they should. "I know, Fred. I really do. It's just... complicated. But thank you. It means a lot to me," she finally said, her voice laced with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow.

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