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As Ava and Fred stepped into the brightly lit corridors of the hospital, Ava's heart was a tumult of worry and dread. The possibility of crossing paths with Ethan, a ghost from her past she wasn't prepared to face, loomed large in her mind.

Upon entering her father's hospital room, the tension Ava carried dissolved instantly at the sight of her family. Their expressions transformed from shock to joy, a balm to her frayed nerves. "Dad!" Ava's voice broke, a mix of relief and fear, as she rushed to his bedside. Her embrace was desperate, a lifeline to the man who had always been her strength.

"Daddy, please tell me you're okay," she whispered between sobs, the reality of her father's vulnerability crashing down on her.

Her father's weak embrace was a testament to his current state, yet his smile offered Ava a sliver of comfort. "I'm better now, princess. I'm sorry for the scare," he assured her, his voice a fragile thread of strength.

Fred walked into the hospital room, his arms laden with a basket of fruits, a small offering in the face of the Greenwood family's ordeal. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Nate," he said, his voice carrying a mix of respect and warmth.

Mrs. Greenwood, her eyes lighting up, accepted the gesture with a gracious smile. "Oh, thank you, Frederick. That's very kind of you," she responded, her tone wrapping Fred in a welcoming embrace.

Mr. Greenwood, with a playful gleam in his eye, couldn't resist the opportunity for a bit of teasing. "Frederick, it's been quite some time," he observed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I suppose the reason you've stopped coming by the house is because you've finally found my daughter. Did he mention he's been visiting us every weekend since you left?" Mr. Greenwood said, his laughter filling the room warmly.

Ava, surprised and moved, glanced at Fred, who seemed shy, clearly caught off guard by how obvious his feelings for her were. Fred's cheeks took on a shade of pink, a shy smile spreading across his face.

Nate jumped in with a light-hearted jab, "Thanks for coming with my little sister, Fred. She'd be a total mess if she was alone," he said, chuckling.

Fred, glancing towards Ava, found her amidst a sea of knowing looks from her family. The air was thick with unsaid words and shared history, a comfortable familiarity that spoke of deep connections. "There's no problem at all. I'm just glad I could be here," he responded, sincerity shining through his gentle teasing.

Mrs. Greenwood's touch was light on his shoulder as she added her own praise, "You've always been such a sweetheart, Frederick. We've always liked that about you."

"I'd like you even better if you weren't such a chicken and just told my daughter you love her, Frederick..." Mr. Greenwood said, shooting a playful glance at Ava, who suddenly looked startled.

Her mother and Nate shared a look, smiling teasingly at Fred and Ava, "Dad!" she hissed under her breath. "Stop it," as a flush spread across her face.

James Greenwood fixed Fred with a look that was serious yet twinkled with fun. "Am I off base here, Frederick? Or was I wrong to assume you have feelings for my daughter?"

"You know, Fred has been showing up at our doorstep, asking after Ava relentlessly, even though we played coy about her whereabouts. That kind of persistence? Sounds like love to me," Nate added, laughing as he ribbed them further.

As the laughter and teasing aimed at Fred filled the room, the atmosphere shifted dramatically when the door creaked open. "Ava..." The voice cut through the air, unmistakable and laden with emotions.

Ethan stood in the doorway, a mix of surprise, sorrow, and something deeply resembling love painted across his face. As their eyes locked, everything else seemed to fade, leaving Ava and Ethan enveloped in the history they shared.

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