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London, England 1813

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London, England 1813

Be it shame or slander, seduction or smear, there is but one thing that humbles even the most highly-regarded members of our dear Ton... a scandal! Well, dear reader, it should seem that all of Grosvenor Square has been left to ponder a rather scandalous question, indeed. Might two former diamond's recent fall from grace turn out to be the most damning scandals of all?

The following morning, directly after the Bridgerton dinner, it wasn't the bright sunshine peering through the drawn curtains or the blankets that were seemingly stripped from her bed that woke our dearest Betty Morrigan up. No, it was the feeling of freezing, ice cold water being dumped on her that finally got her to open her eyes... Only to see her own mother as the culprit hovering over the foot of her bed, an empty glass in hand!

Rebekah set the glass down on the nightstand as she stalked over to the side of the bed, grabbing a hold of one of her daughter's arms and yanking her up. "Betty Francine, I will not have you running late today! We have a full day ahead of us, my dear! Up, up. Come on, I'm afraid beauty does not happen by accident! Poppy! Please, get Betty ready for the day. Perhaps the olive green today with the pearls? It does look rather lovely on her." She instructed Poppy as she walked out of the room, lingering in the doorway for a moment to ensure that Betty did in fact get out of bed. "Oh, and her waist better be smaller than mine!" She reminded Poppy before leaving.

Betty now stood in front of her mirror, freshly bathed and hair combed through, as Poppy began dressing her into the brand new, beautifully pearled, olive green dress that only accentuated Betty's curves. Her eyes remained laser focused on the newly delivered, hot off the press, Lady Whistledown. She had no idea how this woman could possibly still be writing about her considering she has not received so much as a hello from a potential suitor!

"Ugh! I mean, this is ridiculous Poppy! Not a single person has knocked on our door, and that's all that she can focus on! Meanwhile, Cressida was seen bumping shoulders with Lord Hornsbury during her stroll with Lord Pembrooke in Hyde Park not even three days ago! And yet, none of that is in here!" she thrashed the paper in Poppy's face, earning a glare from her ladies maid.

"Well, if you want to get this Lady Whistledown off your back, then perhaps you should trying dancing this time, miss." Poppy stated matter-of-factly, catching Betty's own sharp glare through the mirror. She tilted her head to the side, a deep breath escaping her nostrils. Poppy reached down, grabbing the young girl's hand and giving it a loving squeeze. "Betty, do not give me that look. This is your future on the line, you do realize? Your mother is serious about you being married by the end of the summer! If you do not start taking this season seriously, well, I'm afraid you just might end up being forever haunted by 1803."

"I will not!" Betty exclaimed. Poppy gave the young girl another pointed look, causing her to retract her original statement. "Okay, it may be haunting me. You and Lady Whistledown both certainly seem to think so." Suddenly, she dropped the pamphlet down to her side, narrowing her eyes at her ladies maid. "Are you Lady Whistledown?"

BETTY - b. bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now