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London, England 1813

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London, England 1813

There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight." Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed.

Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, are none other than this season's diamonds. Miss Daphne Bridgerton was seen dancing not once, but twice with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings. And as for our original incomparable... Well, it appears she may have certainly been busy reigniting an established spark, whilst simultaneously extinguishing a forgotten flame...

Following Vauxhall Ball, Betty Morrigan had felt nothing but betrayal and resentment towards Benedict for not only choosing Cressida at the ball, but also going out of his way to make it be seen by the entire ton. The former friends only seemed to be growing further and further apart as the season went on, but things were most certainly beginning to look up for our poor, precious diamond indeed! Betty had much to look forward to the morning after the ball, starting with a promenade with Mr. Theodore Rockwell! She was eager to turn over a new leaf and leave behind her ghosts. And with the help of Theo throwing off Lady Whistledown and making a certain Bridgerton feel just as hurt and betrayed as she did, well, this season may not turn out to be so bad after all.

Betty walked with Poppy, who would be acting as her chaperone for the day, conversing amongst themselves as they made their way to Hyde Park to meet Theodore for a morning stroll. "So, remind me, who exactly is Theodore again? Do I know Theo?" Poppy asked.

"Ugh, Poppy! Yes, of course you know Theo! You must keep up! He's the son to Viscount Rockwell, he was the man who serenaded me out in the gardens!

"Oh... Right, right. Huh, wasn't he a bit pitchy and his guitar out of tune?"

"Ugh, not the point! He wrote the most romantic, enchanting poem for me. It was the night of our Summer's Eve Ball off in the countryside. The entire party was gathered near the fountains, but he took me over to the middle of the garden and called out for everyone to watch. I don't know how he managed to sneak off and set it all up beforehand, but he pulled out a guitar. And he just sang from his heart. It was so romantic." Betty brought a hand to her heart, staring off into space as she thought back to the memory.

The entire ton gathered at the Morrigan's country home, rightfully named Holiday House for all of the holiday celebrations and balls they threw there. Everyone circled around them as he made his intentions clear and proclaimed his adoration for the girl. They cheered as the symphony of strings took over playing, and Theodore had reached out his hand for the Morrigan girl to take. And she took it without so much as looking back. If she had, she would've seen the man her heart truly beat for engaged in a heated debate with his oldest brother. The topic at hand: honor, duty, responsibility... And most importantly, Betty.

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