17 years old

69 2 13

I love parties! It's a way to get to know new people, have a laugh, and a good time. Today, I was going to Darren's 17th birthday. Brandy couldn't come, as she had to finish an art project. So, it was just Goldie and I that went. My parents couldn't give a single crap what I do after dark, so I didn't even have to ask them. 

Goldie and I met at the bus stop. She looked AMAZING (Like always! Friends always think other friends look amazing, right?!) 

As soon as we got to the party, something felt off. But we didn't want to ruin the mood, so we headed inside, and hoped for the best. 
"GOLDIEEEEEEEE! You made it! And... you brought Calypso? Cool?", Darren said, greeting us at the door. Darren seemed... different. Were there any parents here? 

Goldie got pulled away by a friend on her rugby team. I felt a stab of jealously, but left it behind me as I went and got some drinks. But what I found... was not what I was expecting. Alcohol. We were only 17, there wasn't a single person at this party who was 18 or over. And there was alcohol. That's why Darren was acting weird! He was drunk! I needed to find Goldie...

"Goldie! Goldie! Goldie, where are you?!"

My mind started spinning, my vision got blurry and the lights in my room began to burn my eyes. My breathing was labored, I felt like my lungs were going to collapse, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. My limbs went numb, my mind wouldn't stop racing, too many thoughts were going through my mind, I couldn't control myself any longer. I was screaming, but I couldn't hear myself. Everything was silent except for the steady beating of my heart. 

I collapsed onto the paving outside the building. No one wanted to help me. They all wanted to just get on with their lives. My eyes started to close, my lungs burning up. 

Warmth. Calm. Freedom. Goldie had wrapped her arms around me, her head buried into my neck. I was safe. 

"We need to go", Goldie said, pulling me up, heading toward the exit.
But that was the thing. We had no where TO go. My parents wouldn't even pick me up if it was the end of the world, and her parents were out for dinner. But then, a thought crossed my mind. 

"Follow me!", I said, crossing the road and heading down the hill. I knew this neighbourhood like the back of my hand. 

The Heeler House. Mort, Chilli, and Brandy. As soon as we collapsed through the front door, Brandy gave us some food and brought me up to her room. Mort and Chilli were already asleep. 

"Hi Goldie! I haven't seen you for ages!", she said, giving Goldie a quick hug. We told Brandy what had happened, and she gasped. 
"I'm so sorry! I'll grab the spare mattresses out! You can sleep over!", she said. I smiled. 
"Thank you Brandy."
"You're so welcome!"

Just my friends. No parents. Freedom. 

I slept better than I have in years. 

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