13 years old

69 2 9

Middle school was supposed to be amazing. It was supposed to be the place where you learn about the world, people, and yourself. But it all wasn't as soon as Brandy turned up. She had tears in her eyes, and when I hugged her tightly, she whispered in my ear.
"My mum died last week." I just hugged her tighter and cried with her. 

Cayenne passed away because of cancer. She battled hard, but sadly lost. Cayenne was like a mother to me. She was also the mother that I wished I had. And now her smile full of sunshine, her laugh full of rainbows, and her words of kindness are all gone. 

Middle was hard. So hard. 

Kids are really mean, there's SO much homework, and people grow up into cloned girls like Loren (Mackenzie's mum!). She used to be a nice border collie. But now she's a girl obsessed with the internet, boys, and the latest fashion trend. Friendship groups change too. I thought that the Cool Dogz would be fine. 

But that was until Brandy's guilt took over her. She became short tempered, sensitive, and anxious. So anxious that she tried to cut out everyone in her life that cared about her. I tried to help. I gave her flowers, chocolates, gifts, and love. Words of advice, kindness, and reassuring didn't work. It got to the point where she avoided me and the rest of the Cool Dogz all together. 

We were all broken. Brandy with a mother she couldn't bring back. Wendy with a dream her parents wouldn't let her pursue. Goldie with abs she wasn't allowed to use (They cut the girls rugby team), and me, with the parents that were too horrible to live with, but not so bad that I could say anything. 

And when Wendy's family moved to a different suburb, Goldie and I were all alone. Left stranded on a desert island. With no one to call for help but each other. 

My parents were starting to get to the point where I couldn't ignore them anymore. Comments about my weight, body, and grades were all there. I was just a fat, flat, dumb dog. And then it came. My escape. Summer careers camp. One that I could escape to for a few weeks, to just sit alone, without anyone to judge me. And then came the swarm of messages. 

'Calypso, remember to turn down any non- nutritional foods. You don't want to end up like Cayenne, dear!'

'Calypso, talk to your teachers about what you can do fulfil your dream of being a CEO. Ask what you need to do to acheive it.'

'Calypso, remember to take your meds! You want to have a LOT less fat on your body!'

'Calypso, those quiz scores for the CEO branch were unacceptable. A 97?! We're going to have to talk about that when you get home. I sent you some links to help with both the learning, and the body stuff. You're eating way too much.'

And I couldn't escape. No matter how hard I tried, I was stuck in a circle of suffering. 

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