snow white queen

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You belong to me
My snow white queen
There's nowhere to run
So let's just get it over
Soon my love you'll see
You're just like me
Don't scream anymore, my love
Cause all I want is you

Snow White Queen

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The inhuman medicine was keeping me calm and sedated. I stared up at the ceiling envisioning realms of greater understanding beyond my awareness, as if I was the inhuman doctor who had spoke to me before. It was scary being human and alone with the feeling of great horror. I didn't know much about the species within the facility, it was all new to me. The room was filled with customised technology that I didn't understand. I didn't have any awareness beyond the facility, so how could it matter that I was miles under the Earth? I tried to think of relevant things, yet my mind was out of my control, and the medicine was affecting my thought processes. My speech was slurred, the light dripped down the walls. There were voices outside the door. Who were they? Could they see in? What was behind the wall?

I stared up at the ceiling. The more I focused the more translucent it became, forming into a beautiful summers day with clouds. What I thought was sunlight was in fact golden symbols hanging in the air. As I stared at them I began to get the impending doom feeling was as if they were trying to warn me.  They had a certain music to them, and just by looking at them I could understand that which was lost to fleshly comprehension. I was destined to die here. I struggled against the restraints around my legs, waist and wrists. I could feel my wrists were wet with my blood, the pain numb and lost under the medicine. The facility was using steel shackles around my wrists that pierced my skin with blades as a defense mechanism should I try remove them. Over time, my blood began to drip down my body onto the white sheets of the bed under me. The scent of blood was overwhelming in the room, I was aware that in this place I was bleeding out in a meadow full of wolves. What did the inhuman spirits feed on? Humans? The more I bled, the weaker I felt. Yet there were a great deal of important things I needed to access beyond my human weaknesses. I had already suffered a lot in other horrific levels beyond my comprehension, yet in this place I knew information easily as I saw things they downloaded at once. The entire facility was shining with darkness and power, and it was a heavy darkness that paralysed me. How many things did I control here? This was the place where everything was monitored. I knew instantly that in order to last here I had to remove most traces of my own humanity, as this weakness would not be tolerated here. There was knowledge here that was not intended for humans to know.

The door opened as if on cue and the very same Doctor appeared. The entire room was at once bathed in a terror, a horrifying feeling. He was dressed in a red kanzu and black cloak yet he was so pale he was emitting a pale white glow that shone very brightly. I could see the Doctor's pale hands with black talons at length for tearing human flesh. Under the golden rings shining on his fingers his skin was blackened, perhaps as if by darkness itself.

"Finally, my little victim is awake."

I froze as he approached, those black eyes shining brightly as they scanned over the mess of blood, the red wetness that coated my body like an aura field. Red. It was everywhere now. He smiled and I could see his teeth were sharp and white, like canines of a dog or those of a ravenous monster.

"Human blood spilt is common, yet here it is a waste." He lamented. With his powers he transferred all the spilt blood into a shining silver goblet until there was not one scarlet drop remaining anywhere. "You tried so hard to resist, yet it was all in vain. How pathetic." He smiled as if the concept of a trapped slave fighting their way to freedom amused him. He raised the goblet before me in a mock toast. "To humanity and their meaningless endeavours." He drained the entire goblet, the scarlet gleaming red against his mouth, and the smile that formed after chilled me to my core. Being trapped here with someone who devoured humans was a horrific feeling. He vanished the goblet into thin air with a sleight of hand, an illicit manouvre emphasing how little power I had.

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