A Not-So-Friendly Baking Competition (Pt. 2)

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Nico and Rose watched Arei and J leave, before heading further into the kitchen. It was kind of a mess at this point, since no one had really bothered to clean it very thoroughly after they finished. Rose sweeped some of the mess to the side with her hand, before leaning on the countertop. "So, what do you want to bake?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm not sure. I was hoping you'd have an idea." Nico confessed awkwardly. They admittedly hadn't put too much thought into it yet.

"Oh. Well...I guess we should probably do something no one else has done yet, so we don't seem unoriginal." Rose suggested, chuckling at the irony that she, a literal art forger, was worried about making something unoriginal. She opened the fridge and saw the bowls of pudding that were taking up most of its space. She glanced over at the stove, which had Xander and David's brownie's sitting on it, with Veronika's heart-cakes sitting on the counter right next to them. "Hmm...I guess pudding, cake, and brownies are off the table." Rose observed.

"Oh. Well, that's not too bad. You're really good at frosting things, right? Since it's kinda like art? I remember you did a really good job frosting sugar cookies with Eden that one time." Nico asked.

"Oh. Yeah, I remember that. We could make sugar cookies, if you want." Rose answered, opening the recipe book on the counter to the page for sugar cookies and frosting.

"Okay, that sounds good." Nico agreed, and so they started to get out the ingredients they'd need. They almost immediately realized they were running low on quite a few ingredients. "I guess everyone's been using a lot of these. Hopefully we can find more." Nico said, opening the large jar the flour was kept in and realizing it was almost empty, along with the sugar container.

Rose looked worriedly at the clock. "We don't have too much time, so how about you start the cookies, and I'll go find more supplies?" she suggested, adjusting her beret.

"Alright, that sounds like a good idea." Nico agreed, and Rose went to look for more flour and sugar. When she didn't find any, she sighed in defeat. Before she could get too dissappointed, however, MonoTV suddenly popped up behind her.

"Why, do I see someone in need of assistance?" It asked excitedly, having a :D expression on its screen. "Luckily, your friendly neighborhood killing game host is here to help!"

"GAH!" Rose shouted, not expecting it to suddenly appear behind her like that. "Oh. Hey, MonoTV." She said after she recovered from her surprise. "Why are you here?"

"To help, of course!" It exclaimed.

"...Why?" Rose asked, confused. "I thought you were mad at us because we wouldn't kill each other."

"Well, a lot of viewers are surprisingly invested in who will win the competition, and they'll probably be mad if the last four teams can't win because they went last." It confessed. "And I can't handle any more of their complaining, so I'm going to show you the way to more supplies! Let's go!" It began to roll away, wrapping its tail around Rose's ankle as it tried to pull her along. Rose, after a bit of contemplation, decided MonoTV (probably) wasn't trying to kill her, began following it.

After a short walk, they'd made it to the storage room, and MonoTV brought her to the shelf where the food that couldn't fit in the kitchen was. "All new food shipments go here, until I force one of you to help me bring them to the kitchen." It explained.

Rose almost asked why she had never been asked to help, before remembering she wasn't all that strong, and it would probably take her many more trips to bring the food over compared to someone like Xander or Levi. "Oh. Thanks." She said to MonoTV, grabbing the flour, sugar, and a few other things that they were running low on. She turned around and realized MonoTV had left when she wasn't looking. With a shrug, she headed back to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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