Whit's Amazing Idea

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A/N: Small disclaimer. There is a future chapter where the DRDT cast learns Nico uses they/them pronouns, so while Nico will be described with they/them pronouns in descriptions and such, whenever the cast verbally speaks about Nico, they will use he/him pronouns, since they are unaware that Nico doesn't use those pronouns. But as I said, it is addressed the chapter after next.

Queen: J, I'm booorrreeeddd.

Tsun-Tsun: Go bother someone else about it.

Queen: But you're, like, the only cool person herrrrreeeeee

Tsun-Tsun: Well, the bar for that isn't very high.

Simp: You do know you're on the group chat, right? Everyone can read that.

Tsun-Tsun: They all know it's true. Especially you.

Queen: See, J, this is why you're cool!

Simp: Hey! I'm very cool, thank you very much.

BlahBlahBlah: Of course you are, Xander.

Simp: Thank you!

Simp: Wait, were you being sarcastic?!?

BlahBlahBlah: Whaaaat. Noooo. Definitely not.

BlahBlahBlah: No but seriously you're cool, don't worry.

Simp: See, David thinks I'm cool!

Loverman: Does he? Or is he just saying that becauserehgoerienreeskl

Whit'sBoyfriend: No.

Loverman: Fine, okay! You can stop taking my phone, I was just pointing out the obvious.

Whit'sBoyfriend: 😡

Loverman: 😠

Whit'sBoyfriend: 😡

Loverman: 😠

Whit'sBoyfriend: 😡

Loverman: 😥

Whit'sBoyfriend: 😡😡😡

Loverman: Alright, alright, I'm sorry.

Loverman: I can't believe you're using my own tactics against me...

Simp: Alright, I'm just going to ignore...that...and continue.

ScaredyCat: You say that like you and David don't do the exact same lovey-dovey shit literally every day.

Simp: Would you like to repeat that? 🙂🔪

ScaredyCat: Eek! Scary! Nevermind!

Mom: Xander! What did we say about knives?!?

Simp: Don't try and/or threaten to stab people with them...

Mom: That's right.

MeantToBeYours: Ah shit people are texting? I better get ᵐʸ ᵖᵒᵖᶜᵒʳⁿ ready to deal with some drama.

BlahBlahBlah: Oh, I'll join you. In getting ready to deal with drama, I mean, hahaha...

Queen: Uhm, I think we're getting off topic! I'm bored. 😡

Simp: And this is our problem because...?


Queen: Ooh, what?

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