A Not-So-Friendly Baking Competition (Pt. 1)

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TickTock: we should do a group activity!

Whit'sBoyfriend: No.

TickTock: but i haven't even suggested an activity yet!

Whit'sBoyfriend: I severely doubt that my opinion on the matter will change once you do.

TickTock: we should have a baking competition!

Whit'sBoyfriend: I was right. As always.

Loverman: Aw, c'mon, Charles! We could team up!!!

Whit'sBoyfriend: Absolutely not.

Mom: I think that's a wonderful idea, Eden. And teaming up is a good idea as well, since I'm sure some of us don't have much experience with making baked goods. Who else wants to join our competition?


Mom: I take that as a yes?

GreenIsNotACreativeColor: I want to join, too! And Arturo will be my partner!

Bitch: No, I won't.

GreenIsNotACreativeColor: But if I want to make a cake that's an accurate depiction of a bloody human heart, I'll need your expertise!!! 😣

Bitch: For the last time, I am not a doctor! Besides, my specialty is in beautiful things, and a cake like that would look horrific.

ScaredyCat: For fuck's sake, just give in already, you know she's just going to make you do all that heart-cake shit whether you want to or not.

GreenIsNotACreativeColor: So then you'll agree to be on my team, too? We could be a group of three!

ScaredyCat: Fuck no, I never said that I was going to do the stupid competition, just that the mint toothpaste-looking motherfucker should. For once, I'm not participating in this class's tomfuckery of the day.

Ticktock: too late! i've already recruited you for my team, ace!

ScaredyCat: Wait, what? No you didn't.

Simp: Are we just going to ignore the toothpaste comment, or...?

TickTock: you're my partner now, ace! i won't take no for an answer!

ScaredyCat: Ugh, fuck you people. Fine.

Simp: ...Alright then, I guess we are.

MeanToBeYours: I think it's safe to say that I shouldn't participate. I doubt I have to remind you guys of the last time I tried to use the oven.

Mom: Ah yes, the Grilled Cheese Incident. Perhaps you're right.

LittleMissPerfect: Teruko and I could be judges for the competition. That way Teruko can still be a part of the activity without having to even enter the kitchen.

Loverman: And the judging won't be rigged at all, riiiiight Teruko? 😉

MeantToBeYours: I'm not going to rig the judging so that you and Charles will win, Whit.

Loverman: Hmph. You're no fun.

Loverman: But Charles and I can easily win anyways, right Charles???

Whit'sBoyfriend: I doubt it, but sure.

WarriorCats: Hey Rose, would you want to be on a team with me?

TooSleepyToFunction: Sure. I'll try not to eat all the batter this time, haha.

Simp: Hey Mr. David, want to be a team?

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