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I'm the writer of the first chapter explaining what this story/book thingy (I don't know what to call it 😭) is.
This first chapter is how I imagined time and sky met because I feel they were the first ones to meet out of the group. Hope you enjoy

Sky's POV:

I was walking around Skyloft kinda bored. Zelda was at the temple doing goddess stuff and everyone else is busy repopulating and exploring the surface or Hyrule. I was pacing in front of the goddess statue just thinking about... I don't even know.
'Wonder if I should just jump and see how long it takes before I get scared. Nah already done that' i was thinking.

There was a whooshing noise from behind me. I whip around to see a purple triangle growing in size. The centre is all swirly and strange. What is it?

A hand pops through 'what the ' the hand pushes forward and before I know it the rest of the body comes through. It was a tallish man he had pointed ears like mine. He also had blond scruffy hair like mine. There were these weird markings on his face.
"Who are you?" Said the man sounding equally as shocked as I was.
"Link." I say, im still not entirely used to speaking to people (Zelda was helping build up my confidence).
"Strange, im link." Said the man. I kinda wanted to laugh but managed to hold it back.
"We have the same name, are you a soldier or worrier , hero? By chance?"
'Please say no please say no' I was thinking. What demise said the resurrections the never ending cycle. It had to be bluff right? But if this man looks like me, and is called Link. This can't be true.
"Umm yes I am, hero of hyrule actually."
"Ugghh no." It wasn't bluff. Demises curse had worked.
"Ok this might sound crazy and very, very weird. But Um, im you." I say. Definitely sounding less confident then I would've liked.
"That's impossible,"
"No, no it's not. My names link. Im the hero of hyrule. Or some call me the hero of skyward sword."
"I get called hero of time,"

We don't know what happened that day but from there on after more hero's, more links appeared. We all had different stories that ended the same (almost). Demise will never win. Not with all of us protecting hyrule. I hope.

Linked universe one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora