~Part 21: Home Sweet Home ~

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TW: Mentions of self harm,drugs and suicide/suicidal thoughts.

I followed my dad out of the castle gates. Letting the rain fall on me. I grabbed my dad's hand before appariting back to the Malfoy manor.

"When we get in, give your bags to the elves, sit down in the living room and then i will speak to you." My dad asked calmly. I nodded as a response. I walked up to the black metal doors before pushing on it. My elf greeted me at the door.

"Hello Miss Malfoy, good to see you." my elf said.

"Hi Dizzy, good to see you too. Can you take my bags up to my room?" I asked politely. She nodded before running up the stairs with my bags. I walked into my living room, dropping myself on the cold leather sofa. I inhaled the smell of fresh mahogany and rain. 

"What's been going on?" My dad asked, sitting on the chair next to me. I looked at him before sighing.

"I had a falling out with Robin. He spread things about me blah blah blah. My friends stopped talking to me, Draco did aswell. Turns out they were dating. Then i fell out with Severus and..." I paused. He didn't know about Remus yet so i chose not to say anything.

" On a walk after i had just fallen out with Robin, i went to the black lake. I slipped on the ice and fell in. I started drowning until I passed out. I woke myself up and got out of the water, Hagrid found me and took me to Madam Pomfrey. After that i locked myself away. I was alone. I was over eating and doing more drugs and drinking than i ever had. Each time i was sober because i ran out of drugs it all came flooding back, so i would self harm and contemplate suicide. I felt worthless without drugs. When i was high or drunk, i felt euphoric. When i stopped eating so much because i was obviously getting larger, i started feeling better about myself but i was still doing drugs and self harming. I heard about a party. I decided to dye my hair, shower and get ready. It was my first time out of my room in months. I felt good about myself. I got to the party, found Blake and told him i was going to get Robin pissed off. I told him my plan, he agreed to get Draco away from Robin by acting like he was sick or something. I got in a fight with Robin ending with me in Severus's office. That's where the story ends." I could feel the tears falling down my face. I looked at my father. His normal scowl had softened into a soft frown. It was clear that there was tears welling up in his eyes. 

"Why didn't you send me a letter?" Tears started falling down his face.

"I thought you wouldn't understand , i thought you and mum hated me. You have always favorited Draco, everyone could see it. Even the daily prophet picked up on it." I sniffled,wiping away my smudged mascara. My dad got up and came towards me. He bent down and hugged me. I have never seen this side to my dad, he has always put on a cold face and been arrogant. 

"I'm so sorry, if i would have known you felt this way i would have cared for you way more. I'm sorry i never saw how i treated you compared to Draco. I love you so very much Darling." I hugged him back,sobbing into his chest. He let go of me,looking into my eyes.

"Go get changed, i'll bring up some hot chocolate and snacks for you. Just relax, if you want we can go to London tomorrow and have some muggle fun." He smiled and patted my head. I smiled back,sniffling before making my way upstairs. I got to my room, closing my door. I smiled.

"Home sweet home." I said as i face planted my bed. I got back up and walked to my dresser. I opened it,pulling out a matching pair of pajamas.

 I opened it,pulling out a matching pair of pajamas

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I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said. My dad came in with a tray, it had hot chocolate, mini eggs and salt and vinegar pringles. I smiled.

"Muggle snacks?" I say.

"I got some from London, surprisingly they're very nice." I chuckled.

"I didn't know you were one for muggle interactions." I took the tray from him,sitting on my bed.

"Would you like some mini eggs?" I ask. His eyes brightened as he smiled.

"Yes." Before coughing and losing his smile." Yes please." He said more seriously. I laughed,opening the packet and handing my father some. He thanked me before turning on his heel and walking out of my room. I turned on my TV, looking for a movie. I settled on Scream (1996). I smiled as the movie started. I've always been fascinated about horror movies. They always run up the stairs instead of out of the house or they don't fight back. It's stupid really, I've always had a joke with Robin that we would survive a horror movie and kill the killer. Slashers are a weird sub genre of horror filled with hot blondes with big boobs who get targeted and killed in the first scene. *cough* Casey Becker *cough*. They may be weird and stupid but god i love them and i love guessing who the killer is.

Before i knew it, the snacks were gone and the film was finished. I decided to go to sleep. I turned off my TV and turned over on my side. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me away.

A/N filler chapter because i felt the need to write but couldn't be arsed writing a well structured chapter. I didn't mean to write a whole paragraph on slashers but I'm obsessed with them rn. I hope you enjoyed the way I portrayed Lucius in this chapter! Have a good day/night! love you all! - Sapphire.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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