~ Part one : Amortentia ~

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My owl woke me To 4 am, telling me to get my lazy arse out of bed and shower, get ready and get to breakfast before half 6."Okay you can shut up now Athena. " I showered and did my hair, curling it and then did some black makeup before I changed into my uniform.
You rolled your skirt up to just above mid thigh, making it over 50% over the uniform standards of having you skirt covering you knee caps. You looked in the mirror before grabbing your wand and leaving.

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You arrived in the Great halk and took your seat at the end of the table and waited for Robin.
You put 2 slices of toast on your plate and poured a glass of fresh orange juice, and waited for your best friend.

Soon enough he came skipping down to his seat. You smiled and ran over to him. You jumped up so your legs were around his legs.
"Hi Y/N! " He shouted.
"Hi Robin, let's to sit down. I'm starving. " I laughed.
"Okay, bitchface. " He said as he sat down.

You ate your toast and was sipping your orange juice. You saw Robin's eyes track up and he looked terrified yet amused.
You felt a cold hand on your shoulder. You turned your head.
You saw it was your professor.
You quickly turned your head back round and started to panic.
shit shit shit. What did I do? OMG what did I do?
"Miss Malfoy, you seem to be breaking the dress code. " You heard a deep, raspy voice say.
"What in Merlin's beard do you mean, sir? " You asked acting clueless of your slutty appearance.
"Your skirt is above the kneecap not only that it is over mid thigh. " He said taking his hand off your shoulder, he picked you up and placed you on the floor.
"What are you doing sir? " You asked really confused.
You saw his hands travel to your waist. He started to unroll your skirt so it landed on your knee caps.
"That's better, maybe then you won't get unwanted and gross attention from the male kind. " He said, then walking away.

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