~ Part five : For me ~

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"Up! " Snape shook me.
"Why? " I groaned.
"Because you have school, your robes are in the bathroom, get up! " He sneered. My eyes shot open and I rushed to the bathroom. I closed the door and got changed. I brushed my knotted hair and put it up in a low ponytail and did some mascara. I put on my black trainers and walked out.

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"I leave first, you leave a few minutes after so it doesn't seem weird

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"I leave first, you leave a few minutes after so it doesn't seem weird. " I say before walking out. I walk to the great Hall and sit down at the end of the table, staring at the blank plate.
"Y/N? As much as I don't like you right now, are you still not eating? " Robin asked, sitting down opposite me.
"I have already eaten. " I smiled, ignoring my stomach.
"So you are eating again? " He asks.
"Yeah, now let me explain. Harry came up to me and said that Cho put him under a live potion and that he was sorry. I told him no and pushed him away, but he wouldn't go away and kissed me. I told him to stop and ran into the Slytherin common room and into my room and I cried. " I said in one breath.
"Oh, I'm sorry. " He apologized.
"Don't be, it was my fault. " I sniffled, holding my stomach.
"Are you sure you have eaten, I can see your hand on your stomach. " He sighed.
"Cramps." I blurted out.
"Y/N, you had your period last week. Don't blame it on that, now eat! " He ordered.
"No! I don't want to get picked on for being fat any longer! " I groaned.
"Eat now! " He spat.
"No! " Tears fell down my face.
"Y/N Y/M/N Malfoy, If you don't fucking eat right now I swear to God I will stab you! " He shouted, alerting others in the Hall.
"Y/N, what does Robin mean? " Draco asked.
"It's nothing. " I smiled.
"She hasn't ate in over 3 days. " Robin said.
"No Robin don't." I cried.
"Y/N please eat, for me! " Draco pleaded.
"I have eaten! I ate last night, I'm just not hungry right now! " I lied.
"She is lying! " Robin shouted.
"Y/N, don't make me tell your brother about what I saw. " Blaise whispered.
"Fine I haven't eaten and I'm not planning to! " I stormed out the great Hall.
"Y/N! Wait! " Draco ran after me.
I wiped my tears and ran into the girls abandoned bathroom.

I screamed as I looked in the mirror,
"Why did I have to be born?! " I shouted.
"You dumb ass motherfucker, why can't you just be fucking normal like the rest of your family! " I screamed at the mirror. My eyes lifted up, I looked at my face, it seemed unfamiliar and ugly, I punched the mirror in an attempt to make the image go away. My hand was immediately covered in my own crimson blood. I turned on the tap and washed my stinging hand, I got some toilet paper and applied pressure my self inflicted wound. I felt myself go light headed at the loss of blood, I knew I had to head to the hospital wing in the next two minutes or I will pass out. I walked out the bathroom, hiding my hand in my robes as I made my way to Madam Pomfrey.
"Miss Malfoy, nice to see you! Nothing seems to be up, please enlighten me. " The kind woman said.
"I cut my hand open accidently. " I showed her my hand.
"Oh dear, come over to the bed and let me stitch that up. " She walked over to the bed. I sat in the bed and swung my legs.
"Take this, it will numb the pain. " She handed me a spoon full of medicine, which I gladly took.
"This may hurt a tiny bit, but will be numbed. " She warned me before inserting the needle into the side of my hand. After a free minutes she spoke again.
"Done, would you like anything to boost your sugar, chocolate wand? " She offered.
"No, I'm fine. I need to get to my first lesson, I'm already late as it is. " I smiled.
"Okay, here is a note so you don't get a detention, any problems please come see me. " She smiled.

The Shadows of Hogwarts ( Severus Snape x Student reader x Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now