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Silence. Utter silence. Nothing could take her alluring eyes of the boy behind the glass pane. Perhaps her stare made Percy shiver, not that he was cold but as something rushed through him, adrenaline.

Percy would never even try to flirt with anyone, not that he couldn't. The boy just did not seem comfortable enough to but with Jasmine anything was possible in his eyes.

As her fingertips lightly pressed against the glass that echoed her touch leaving smudges, Percy deeply touched the glass with his palm, almost desperate to feel her touch once more. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Something did ruin this moment.

The headteacher.

"Everyone inside. Move along. Percy and Grover inside my office now!", the headteacher spoke with irritation.

The woman had squinted her eyes and scrunched her nose in perhaps annoyance? Or perhaps the grown woman just needed glasses? You could never tell with adults.

Percy glanced at the woman, at the corner of his eye, attempting to hide his frustration although Jasmine noticed. She always noticed when it came to him. The way his body stiffened when someone had provoked him.

Jasmine noticed it all.

Although, the son of Poseidon found himself being dragged forcefully by Grover, the satyr never found himself in trouble unless he was with Percy. The longer their friendship resumed, the more Grover figured out that Percy attracted chaos.

The two students who were already in the woman's office, glanced at each other with a sense of panic, Jaleel and Jasmine couldn't be seen standing up looking towards the chaos, the two were already in trouble. Rushing to their seats, well that's what Jaleel did.

Jasmine figured that Percy and Grover would of been sent to the office, as the woman never understood self defence.

Therefore, the girl walked to the stacked of chairs, gathering two chairs placing them beside her and Jaleel—

"Are you crazy?!"

"Just sit down"

Jaleel blabbered along with words that Jasmine did not comprehend. She was not listening to him. All she said was—

"Politeness does not cost—" As the girl began to speak her mother's words with a sense of fondness

"Anything," Jaleel finished off the sentence for her with a smile, as hanging around with Jasmine taught him some valuable lessons. The boy always seemed to have gratitude for Jasmine, he saw her as his relative, a sister.

Someone he could rely on.

"Now, now sit down," Jaleel glanced at the Jasmine, as his body slouched in the chair.

Jasmine just waved him off with a slight grin, hiding her happiness as she realised she was going to see Percy once again. A sense of eagerness washed through her wanting to speak to him again, be within his presence.

The door opened slightly, leaving Percy and Grover to walk in, supposed to be in an act of shame. Although, Percy had enlightenment in his eyes, noticing that his girl was still in the principal's office.

"Hi," Percy whispered softly, as he sat down next to her, smiling at her knowing that she had to be the one to place the chairs for them.

"Hi," Jasmine whispered in response, while grinning, lavishing in his presence, but looking at her hands that were placed on her lap.

In a swift motion, Percy placed her hands onto his lap, gently swiping his thumb across her hand, attempting to smoothen her nerves, that he could see lingering in her body. Perhaps that was the effect he had on her.

Jaleel and Grover couldn't help but snicker at their actions towards each other, they had to admit that it was unusual for them to act so affectionate at such a short amount of time knowing one another.

"Silence!" The principal shouted, forcing attention to the students, causing them to jump in their seats.

As the woman sat in front of them, she began to lecture,

"Perseus Jackson, you keep—"

The three of the students turned to look at Percy with bewilderment, wide eyed and now sitting up straight.

"Hold on, Perseus?" Jasmine spoke with her body fully turned to him and her mouth slightly dropped.

"What kind of name is that?" Grover questioned with his eyes wide open.

"What is this foolishness," Jaleel spoke with a hysterical tone.

Jasmine, Jaleel and Grover spoke with a disbelief tone, as the name was sort of unusual to say the least.

"That's your damn boyfriend," Jaleel laughed hysterically in his seat, lifting his head up trying to hide his laughter.

Jasmine stared at Percy, who couldn't help but laugh himself which made her laugh in sync.

"Was it a group decision?" Jasmine couldn't help but ask with curiosity.

Percy turned his whole body towards Jasmine, claiming her full attention, tilting his head wanting her to speak once more, as he noticed that his real name was hilarious to her.

"Your name, who chose that?" Jasmine spoke with a hysterical tone.

"As i was saying, Perseus why would you attack Nancy with such anger?" The principal spoke with a stern tone, attempting to intimidate them, but knowing them, they weren't feared at all.

"This sounds like a therapy session, you know what ask Nancy since she was the one creating a fuss," Percy spoke, arms crossed, dead-eyed staring at the principal.

With a deadpanned expression, the principal kept talking," Grover who started this?" "Why are you two still here?"

"We are because we were late" Jasmine said in an obvious tone.

Jaleel groaned at Jasmines honesty, smacking his palm against his face.

Jasmine couldn't lie for shit.

As Grover spoke with a low tone, interrupting Jaleel's thoughts, "Percy started the fight".

Silence. Utter Silence.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞💕

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