Permanent Room

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Felix Fathom POV:

I walked into my room and saw Jay still sleeping. I ignored it and I walked into the shower. A few minutes later, I grabbed my bathrobe and wore it. I came back out and saw him still sleeping.

As I made my way to the closet, I took the nearest pillow and threw it at him. He sat on the bed as I pulled my pants on. "You need to wake up!", I said. "It's already 10:00".

"Oh, you could've said it nicely", he complained.

I rolled my eyes. "Come here and help me button my shirt", I demanded. "I need to go see the mayor today".

Jay buttoned my shirt as I placed on my tie and vest. "Why are you going though?", asked Jay.

"Well, we're going to need a permanent room, right?", I asked. He smiled, as I grabbed my phone and headed outside.

I walked to the mayor's room. I knocked on the door and entered. "Hello", I politely greeted him.

"Felix", said Mr. Bourgeois, "nice to meet you here".

"I wanted to talk to you about the rooming", I said. "My friend and I were wondering if we could get the room we're in now as a permanent one".

"I'll check. I think I can get you one but please don't tell anyone else", pleaded Mr. Mayor.

"I also wanted to talk to you about Zoe", I said, as a blush rose to my face.

"Yep", nodded the mayor.

"We're dating", I said, "I love her a lot and I want to marry her. If I have your consent".

"Taken", said the Mayor, with a huge smile. "Go ahead and make sure to treat her right".

"I will", I said, as I exited the mayor's room. There was a big smile on my face, as I entered our permanent room.

I saw Jay finished with his shower sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. "What took you so long?", he asked.

"I asked him for this room to be a permanent one", I said. "I also may or may not have brought up dating Zoe in the conversation".

"Oooh, someone has long plans", teased Jay. "What happened yesterday?".

"We talked a lot", I said. "That's all".

"Anyway, I was walking downstairs. I saw this blonde girl and there was this other girl following her. She had brown hair and glasses", explained Jay.

"Ooh, is it Sabrina?", I asked, as I looked at him.

"I don't know. I gave her my number and she said we could meet this night, as a date night", he said, as a blush rose to his face.

"Wow, and you're calling me in love?", I asked.

"Didn't you ask Zoe's father for his acceptance in marriage?", asked Jay, with a tease.

"Anyway", I said, as I nervously chuckled. I then heard a loud boom. Shouts and screams were heard. I ran to the window and saw many people looking like a girl with pink all over her. I saw lights coming from around Zoe's school.

"I'll be right back", I said, as I ran out of the room. I saw a bicycle near me and I grabbed it. I rode the bicycle all the way to the school.

I saw people running away. I ran inside the school and saw Zoe hiding underneath the stairs. "Felix", she whispered, as she pulled me to hide with her. "What are you doing here?".

"I came here to rescue you", I said, with a sigh of relief.

She blushed. "Thanks", she said. "Someone got akumatized".

"Well, guess we're staying here till then", I said, as I kissed her cheek.

The akuma attack was finished in under 10 minutes. "I'll go back to my class", said Zoe. I kissed her and sent her off.

I heard some noise from a room. I walked in and saw a teacher and a few other students discussing something.

"I think Marinnette changed your form", said a brunette to Juleka, as Adrien handed that brunette something.

Everyone looked at Marinnette, until Sabrina spoke up. "She didn't do it!", said Sabrina. "I did".

"Why did you do it?" asked the brunette, feigning innocence.

"You told me to!" yelled Sabrina, as she ran to the girl's bathroom in the middle of school.

"Poor girl", said that brunette running after her and Chloe followed.

Everyone was outside. Chloe and Lila entered the bathroom. We could hear them talking.

"Sabrina what are you doing?!!! Where is the evidence? I can make your own father put you in jail if you don't give me the evidence", said the bruenette, threateningly. "I got everyone to believe Marinnette pushed me down the stairs. Everyone fell for the lie I told when I traveled around the world. Imagine what I could do to you", said Lila. "I want to be Marinnette's husband once I grow up. I am not sure what I want to be. I know I love Marinnette with my whole heart, and I always will. I know this wasn't that much help but thanks", said the girl, reading the note, before flushing it down the toilet.

"There was no evidence", said Sabrina.

Marinette's phone rang with a text message. She looked at it and smirked. The mirror in the bathroom got pulled down revealing the three girls. "You just told the whole class who you are, Lila", said Chloe, satisfied, as she and Sabrina came up to the class.

Everyone stared in shock as Chloe, Sabrina, and Marinnette did a Chat Noir and Ladybug pound-it. "Girl I am so sorry!", said Alya, as she cried while hugging Marinnette. "You never told me Chloe was your friend!".

"It was meant to be a secret. Lying is a powerful superpower", said Marinnette, as everyone hugged her.

"You really amazing Marinnette", whispered Adrien, in her ear, making her blush. I rolled my eyes at their cheesyness.

"We owe you an apology. We are so sorry", said Miss Bustier.

"Lila and Chloe you are expelled", said Mr. Damocles, as he walked to his office. I left back to the mayor's hotel. Everyone else walked into his office.

I smiled as I walked back to the hotel. I guess now I have an excuse to see Zoe everyday. 

"Stop staring", Zoe said, as she noticed me looking at her. She was going to stay here for the night. Jay went out on that date with Sabrina.

"But you're beautiful", I said, as I pouted, pulling her into the bed. She rolled her eyes and kissed me goodnight. I pulled her into my chest, knowing how red she would be.

The next morning, I heard her voice. "Felix, why did you do that?" asked Zoe, smacking me with a pillow.

"Did what? Fall for you?", I teased, with a smirk on my face.

"Ughh", said Zoe, regretting the choice of getting out of bed. I kissed her, before I opened the door and she left. She went to her room and changed for school.

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