S E V E N: Look at the Stars

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"Daph!" I felt someone shaking my leg. "Daph wake up!"

"Mmmnn." I groaned, rolling over. "Is it time to go?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up quickly. It was still dark outside. Jeremy was standing by Erin. I raised my eyebrow after I saw that the alarm clock said 11:43.

"Is there anyway we could have the bedroom for like thirty minutes?" She pleaded.

"What?!" I blasted.

"Please??" She begged.

"Are you sure you want to do this? And kick me out?"

Erin groaned. "I'm not kicking you out. It is just for 30 minutes." Jeremy looked at me awkwardly next to her.

I groaned again and got up, taking my shoes and phone out with me. "Fine."

"Thank you." Erin chirped. I shut the door hard behind me. It was freezing outside.

I sat on a chair and messed around on Pinterest for about seven minutes, until I started hearing noises that made me want to pull my hair out.

I decided to text Aran. "Are you up?"

I immediately got a text. "Yeah. Have you heard from Erin?" He asked.

"Come outside and you can hear her yourself. And Jeremy too."

"I'll be out in a second."

Within a minute, Aran was outside. "Hey! Where are th-"

Suddenly a loud groan came from behind the door.

"Oh lord. Did they kick you out?" He rubbed his arms.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago."

"You're a great friend." He laughed.

"Shut up." I punched his shoulder.

"I would invite you in, but James and Danny are sleeping and I don't want to wake them up. Want to go somewhere?" He bargained.

"I don't know where we would go, but sure, anywhere but here." I laughed.

"I'll be back, do you need a sweatshirt or something?"

"Yes please. I'm freezing."

"Ok! I'll hurry." He ran inside and was back out within two minutes. "Let's go." He handed me a dark sweatshirt that said 'San Fran' on it. I threw it on and followed him down the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he took me to their suburban.

"Star gazing." He smiled.

"That sounds amazing." I climbed into the passenger side of their vehicle.

"Do you mind if we listen to Mumford and Sons?" He asked.

"I love Mumford and Sons!" I exclaimed.

"Alright! Mumford and Sons it is." He plugged in his phone and handed it to me. "Pick a song of theirs." He back out of the parking spot.

I put on Believe from their newest album and turned it up. He smiled then rolled down the windows, letting in the cool Wyoming air. I wouldn't have it any other way.

When the lyrics began blasting, we began singing. Aran was actually an awesome singer. I had taken some singing lessons when I was younger and sang in the high school choir, but that didn't mean much.

"So open up my eyes, tell me I'm aliiive" We sang.

Then the tempo picked up. "SAY SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING SOMETHING LIKE YOU LOVE ME THAT YOU WANT TO MOVE AWAY FEOM THE NOISE OF THIS PLACE" We yelled through the windows as Aran drove 70 mph down the highway. We were both too excited singing to be worried about the cold air. The song ended and turned to Snake Eyes. We sang that just as loud. As Snake Eyes ended and faded into Ditmas, he pulled into a pullout.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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