F I V E: Come On

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Erin and I had spent the night in a hotel at the Northern entrance of the park. We knew it would take us a while to get from Old Faithful to the Northern entrance, so our day yesterday consisted of driving, finding a hotel, and relaxing. We ordered room service then fell asleep after eating and showeing.

About 6:00 AM, our alarm started blaring at us.

"UGH Daph turn it offfff." Erin whined.

"No Ernnn, you get up." I rolled over.

She threw a pillow at me. "Don't call me Ern."

I got up and silenced the beeping. "Ok Ern." I laughed and slapped her butt. "Get up Ern the Fern."

"Call me Ern one more time and you'll feel my foot get up your ass." She joked.

"You know I love when you probe me, Ern." I bent over her bed.

She laughed and sat up. "I freaking love you, Daph."

"I know. Now get up and get ready. We have a day of sight seeing to do."

"Fineee." She pulled herself to her feet and began peeling off her pajamas.

Within the next hour, we were heading into the park. We would stop by streams and take pictures and even take pictures of prong horned deer and other animals. For the last hour, though, we haven't seen too much of anything besides trees.

I gasped. "Look!!!" I pointed out my window at a buffalo. She slammed on her breaks. I hurried and rolled down my window, taking out my Canon camera with my other hand.

"He is so cuttte!" Erin smiled from behind her phone.

I started making kissy noises at the buffalo. He looked up at ms, allowing me to catch the perfect shot. Then he grunted.

"Stop it, Daphne. I'm still making payments on this jeep." She whispered loudly.

I laughed and started rolling up my window. "Bye big boy!!!" I called out in a loud whisper.

Erin took off again. I took time to examine my buffalo pictures. They turned out really well.

"So are you going to text Aran?" Erin asked while driving around a curve.

"I don't think so. He was nice, but what would be the reasoning? He lives in San Francisco and I don't do summer flings." I folded my legs under me and set my camera on my lap.

"That's what I'm afraid of too, but I'm unsure at the same time. They seemed like nice guys, especially Aran. We could use a little fun."

"STD's aren't fun." I laughed.

"I would hope that they would have the decency to tell us if they had any sort of diseases." Erin smiled, honestly.

"You can never be too sure." I started then bit my lip. "If it makes you feel any better, I did at least put his number in my phone."

She smiled "I saw the way you were looking at him yesterday. You thought he was cute." She poked at me.

"They were all pretty attractive, Aran was just really attractive." I stated plainly.

"I think he felt the same way about you. I've never seen anyone look at you like that."

"What is that supposed to mean? Was he starring at my boobs?" I hurried and grabbed my chest. I've always been pretty busty. It was something I hated. My breast could grab a lot of peoples' attention. My mom use to use them as a conversation starter.

"It was more in a caring way. Like he could understood everything you were feeling." She stated diplomatically.

We fell silent for a few short minutes. "Oh! Stop at this gift shop!" I pointed at an incoming general store.

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