Chapter 12

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Conquest   701 CT
Four months later…

The time for Agate Academy’s registration to open was fast approaching. Luckily for Conquest and Bellicose, they had been training together for months. Conquest was ready to rise to the top of her class as soon as she began, towering over her competition. She wanted to earn the respect of her fellow students by demonstrating her tribe’s strength, wits, and above all, willpower.

However, in order to be at the top of her class, that would mean she would have to rise over Bellicose, who had become more equal to her skill recently. Winning was a thrilling challenge and test of whoever had the quickest maneuvers, or the sharpest mind. While she still managed to win most of the time, every now and then, she would lose to Bellicose.

While she didn’t want to ruin her friendship, her natural pride and competitiveness pushed her to rise over everyone, even her best friend. She had to be the best, and she was willing to do it at almost any cost.

Today, Conquest was giving a tour of the palace to another dragonet by the name of Lahar. This dragonet wasn’t quite as respected as Conquest, was quite a bit smaller, and was a couple months younger than her. Conquest wasn’t quite sure why she had to show him around, but according to the royals, that was part of the responsibility of being a respected family.

Conquest’s family had been pretty well respected before she was born. Her father guarded the inside of the throne room. When a SunWing assassin managed to sneak its way inside of the palace, it was his spear that was driven through its neck. Stopping an assassination attempt earned their family quite a bit of respect.

His mother was nobody to scoff at, either. She was quite the fighter herself. She was the second best in her age group. Conquest’s father was in that class, which is how he grew to respect his mother.

Their family gained even more respect when Conquest and Bellicose brought down an ashboar and brought its head back home as proof. Conquest became the youngest dragonet to successfully hunt one, and Bellicose was pretty well respected for it herself. It was clear that Conquest’s family would always exude the pride and power of their tribe.

“How much longer do we have to walk?” The little dragonet groaned, struggling to keep up with Conquest. His form was so improper. His wings were flopping to the side, bumping the walls. His tail was swinging around everywhere. His claws scraped across the stone every time he took a step. It made her scales crawl. How could a CrimsonWing be so indifferent about his tribe? He had plenty to be proud of.

“Only about fifteen more minutes,” Conquest joked. In reality, they were coming pretty close to their next destination, the training grounds. But the groan of exhaustion and dread that echoed from behind her was definitely worth it.

“Really?” Lahar echoed loudly. “This sucks!”

Conquest growled, whipping around at Lahar. “How can you be so informal? Are you trying to stain the image of our tribe?” Lahar flinched, trying to fix his form, so unsuccessfully that it almost made Conquest laugh. Almost.

Conquest sighed. “I’m not trying to be rude, but you seriously need to work on your posture. Showing your pride and proving your worth is important from the day you hatch.” She tried making her voice a little softer to seem less threatening, which didn’t seem to be doing much.

“I don’t know how to walk like you do,” Lahar grumbled, lashing his tail a little.

Conquest straightened her posture as much as she could, drawing her wings in and slightly flexing her body. Her tail curled in, and her claws spread out a little. “Try to do this,” she said. She had practiced making her posture imposing yet powerful for a couple of months with her mother before she mastered it.

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